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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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1/32 Gloster Meteor Engine

Profimodeller  P32191 (Engine Bay + Engine)

Available from Profimodeller for € 46,50



When I spoke to Neil Yan from HK Models at Telford last year we chatted about the Meteor and he explained the strategy behind the rather basic Meteor kit. There are modellers who think the aesthetic lines of their subject get are ruined by opening hatches. They can build the Meteor from the box. Canopy closed. No excess sprues and parts will go to waste with this modeller and as a result the price will stay as low as possible. This is quite an opposite approach from Zoukei Mura for instance. Neil predicted that lots of After Market upgrades would appear for the more prolific modeller that likes to open it all up.





I hope this kind of thinking marks a new trend where the modeller can go crazy all he wants. It’s also a way to open the door to modelling for people (re-)entering the hobby, since the prizes stay “low” and the detail and parts count don’t scare them away indefinitely.


Apart from opening the gunbay, you can now open up an engine too and show off the amazing Rolls Royce Derwent engine. As an engine that plays an important role in history, AND one that has not been rendered in 1/32 before in detail, it deserves some attention to detail. And that’s just what it got. Don’t expect to saw a hole in your wing where you can drop a chunk of resin in. Countless resin and PE parts make up this engine, making it a feast for the eye.




Note: This engine set is for the LEFT WING ONLY. Since the gun bay set is for the left side too, it’s perfect for showing your Meteor with hatches open from one side, and all closed up from the other side.


The set comes in a sturdy flip top box that’s filled to the rim with resin, huge photo etch sheets and a rather extensive instruction booklet.


It’s not difficult to find photo reference of the Rolls Royce Derwent engine one the net. Many examples found their way to museums and are preserved well in original paint. You’ll see they are two tone: gloss black / aluminium. What’s more difficult is to find photo’s of the engine inside the Meteor, while under maintenance, but I did manage to find you one J




1/1 scale Engine dimensions: 1550 mm (Height), 1250 mm (Width), 2300 mm (Length)





You’ll find three separate plastic bags inside the box. One bag of resin. One bag with 5 sheets of photo etch and one small bag with wiring material. Both wiring and tubing. You’ll need a bit of experience with photo etch and resin to tackle this engine. The photo etch contains some larger parts that need delicate handling in order to get into shape. Especially the sheets that make up the intake and rear. This is actually an omission in the kit which does not feature the tube like insides of the engine. So… you’ll need to fashion a similar tube shape for the right engine. Cees Broere used the aluminium of a beer can for his build. This set includes everything you need to make up the interior of the engine bay, intake, engine… The only thing I would have loved to see was either inner detail for the hatch or a whole new hatch from photo etch all together. But that might be nitpicking. The resin needs minimal clean up and the larger parts are casted from the side which means you don’t have to saw through 1,5 cm of resin, causing cross eyed looks from the missus.














Prepare and get out your reference photo’s! I studied the instructions and whilst they are clear and extensive, it can be rather puzzling how and at what angle a part needs to join. That has to do with the style. It shows you the part and an arrow that points at where it goes, but it doesn’t show you the part in place. For some subassemblies schematics are included, but some parts make you look thrice. That’s when reference comes into play.










Frank Whittle will be proud! A super detailed model of his brainchild (or at least it’s offspring). With some careful planning, studying and preparing this set can turn the basic HK Models Meteor kit into a show-stopper. I can’t wait to start mine. This certainly is a well researched subject and is complete all around. Enabling you to even pose it alongside your Meteor on a metal stand perhaps?


One proud Frank Whittle :)


Very highly recommended


Our sincere thanks to ProfiModeler for the review sample. To purchase directly, click HERE.


Jeroen Peters

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