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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

My project


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Hello it is some time ago that I was really active was on the forum my builds are waiting for paint.
And the Tomcat needs to be finished this weekend I get to it.
Now my project the model standard get a real boost I am now working with the Okuma Multus B400II and programend the parts.
My boss let me work with it after work programming self I do when the machine is running they takes up to 4 hours a peace so time to do other stuff and I do learn a lot from it.
Here a single part later on I will make 4 from one piece of Aluminum.



Here the Okuma Multus B400II in action



Have fun


Johan bos


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Hi Matt
Well working on my models I got frustrated that I needed a third hand to hold the model in the right angle like glue a part on a side wall of the model and it keeps dropping before the glue hardens.
And first made a tool of carton box and it was ok still I was only able in some angles to hold the model.
Now I was not happy that it was not that great so when I was at my job I use the magnetic stand to hold a clock to measure if it runs straight and many more possible things till I notice how strong they really can be holding parts From the Brand Noga.
Long story short I have designed a frame that can move over a spin of aluminum so length is no problem and support anything you like how you like it with some basic parts were you can bolt it on to.
so de model drops on it and move in any angle you like it to assemble rigging painting weather it if you have just one usable hand for the fine work it gives you a great solution get a little box to let your hands rest on so no more trembling so drinking coffee is a option haha.
Now I have the 4 test cuts and the magnetic stands keeping all my models I am now working on cats brush angainst them I need to move them around and it is super relax only dust nothing is doing them harm.
And now because of the machine I am working with I am able to going to produce them for the price of a HK model B25.

you get two sets and a magnetic stand later on that more I did buy a cheap (25 euro) magnetic stand from a chinese Brand and after I used a block of tree resin the violinist use for the bow to make it main link rough it perform good on the lighter models not the heavy Trump Tomcat with zacto resin that one I use the Noga stand (140 euro).
I know it is serious money still if you ever try it you will ask your self how did I ever work with out it.

it is made of stainless steel and aluminum so keeping it clean is easy.


Now next week on the end of it I going to look for websites to review my stand and let hope it get a good review.

Check my builds P61 and the Tomcat with Zacto airintakes


sorry my education was that of looking out of the window so my english writing is not that good.


have Fun


johan bos

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Thanks Johan


Window gazing English good enough for me to understand what you're doing. Will this need a metal plate for the magnetic stand to secure itself to? These usually attach to the lathe mounting or a metal topped desk, but most of us have plain wood or plastic coated wood work surfaces...


Look forward to seeing one of the reviews.



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Hi Matt

well strange as it sound from some one that works all day with metal I not yet took a piece of metal home to use as a good counter weight, the magnetic stand it self is heavy to keep it in place.

The arm I mostly bend so that it keeps it under it self and the connection point you can move that over the aluminum spin were you want.

And like the wing nut wings kit they are so light they can swing in any way you want.  


Here I used my cheap chinees arm 25 euro standing on cardboard.





the very long Thud



And the revell junker 88




Johan bos

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Hi here is the model base I did use a Revell model sprayed a base of silver on it for some chipping later.


Today I took a peace of metal from work so I can show you more how far it will reaches still I build and use it with out it even on the P61 and Tomcat.


the other part I show on a Youtube video how it moves and installed for a WW1 model.


Because this is a short model is a short spin is needed the model rest on nylon screw they can be adjust in hight and get a soft pad they stick on the screw head.






The using a messing rod to hold the model in place I can shake the model in the stand it will not move.




Moving the model now is so easy just to get that angle you can airbrush more relax.




Tomorrow my video hehe


Have fun

johan bos

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Hi now made the video did one model the studio is a bit small to move the big P61 around still can move like the BF.


Notice the extra support for the wingnut model top wing the not realy needed for the wingnut model it is a option and needed to change the length of the leg to support the top wing.






And the video



Have fun


Johan Bos

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Nice. A quick question....if the model is painted and is a rather large (F-14, Su-27, B-17) & heavy...while on the stand and moving it around in different angles....will it cause the alum bars to scratch the finish surface?


What I'm trying to say is...the model is held in place by those four upside down J wires...which I see, but on the other side it's connected to sharp edges on those aluminum bars and they can scratch the finish surface.

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Hi yes I send with the set little soft pads the stick to any surface on the frame I have on the wingstop a hole whit thread for a nylon screw that you can model in any way you like and stick a soft pad on it.


On the messing rod that you can bend in any form you can use isolation sock that shrinks by head like a lighter.


The Tomcat is held in place by foam board that is soft just a little tape and it stays in place.


Have fun

Johan Bos


Almost forgot for the big models like the B17 you get the 2 mm thick stainless steel spar and wing spar that can handel the wide wing root so all in the same set as you notice I left the flaps off of the p61 because of this wide wing.

It handels the weight easely but for customers I think a bit more rigid clamping will give some confidence in the Model base.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi people, Jeroen took it to Telford so it is to see in real live dont know the stand there forgot to ask hehe.



The Yellow parts are stainless steel and the Red Aluminum the U-profile is Aluminum getting a length of 50.MM  
The photo shows not all the parts left and right side are different setup.
and one tail support you get two so possible to suport the fuselage with foam board.
Now I dont know if there is a real market for it and making a investment taking a financial risk is not on my list having a good stable job.
So my idea is you can sign in for the Bos model base you get the a parts list and more detail on the set in a e-mail.
The e-mail adres is: bosmodelbase@hotmail.com
Now I need at least 50 buyers for it to make this happen there is a signing up period of 1 month I keep you all posted on that with e-mail.
If I reach the goal you get a Paypal adres to pay safe for you and for me.
I am aware that there will be people that hate paypal but for me it is the safest way.
I know signing in and paying are two different things so I hope people keep that in mind.
The price of the model base is $ 90,90 or € 72,00 without tax.
the Bosmodel base is light so shipping cost will not be that high you get info on that in your e-mail
The Magnetic stand I dont sell they are heavy and if you look on the internet there are some great offers that I can not make just think about the cost of sending the heavy stand around the world.
The Pen 8.mm is a size that fits all to connect to Magnetic stand
I use a Noga DG61003 (134 euro ) and it is the best brand. (expensive)
I did bought a cheap chinees one for 25 euro to test if my idea realy works and it works but it isn't that strong maybe a size bigger will.
 For a question or signing up for it please use this e-mail adres bosmodelbase@Hotmail.com

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  • 2 months later...

I am pretty busy the last two months we are now in full production ad my work Maverick valves

My way is to make a stucture so any one can start the machine install the right claws/material and press start.
For that hehe.. it is a bit more work then a normal CNC lathe/mill but I am getting there.
Here a youtube link of my work a full product ball for a ball valve only a ligth polis is needed to get the ball ready to install.

Have Fun

johan Bos
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