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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Rick's Bench


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Birth of my bench was a consolidation of my work desk and grad school desk.  Grad school desk became work desk (yes, I graduated, VA Tech MBA) and work desk became the bench.


Prime directive from wife was "no fumes allowed".  Spray Booth installed with exhaust configuration.


PM me if you want additional details.









Exhaust detail.  Vents mounted on 1/4" board, then installed in open window during paint sessions.  Really happy with results and effectiveness.

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You just need a small bar and a Bartender, Rick!

You need to get a Knick-Knack (from the Bond Film, "Man with the Golden Gun") - I can see it now!


"Mr Reeck, Mr Reeck! Your gevrey chambertin is uncorked, I pour before you tie me up and shove me in a large scale plane??" :) :)

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