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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

B-25J (No Subject... Help!)

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So I'm little in a kind of Limbo here Guy's.


Last year, i purchased the HK Models B-25J Mitchell, firstly because it is one of my favorite planes ever!

I collected a lot of Aftermarket detail sets (Profimodeller, Eduard, HGW Seatbelts, Scale Aircraft Conversion etc...


So ready to go, i managed to work on the interior for a couple of weeks, but soon i lost interest in the project.


I will try to explain why:

I get my motivation to work on a model from knowning exactly were it is going to go, before i begin.

This means i have to decide what "original" aircraft i have to build. With a diorama planned with figures that place it

in a historical context etc.. Otherwise i completely loose interest in building it! How sick is that?


So i continued on my other projects, and the "Mitchell" sat there, collecting dust!


But now i figure, Since there is a competition on with HK Models, maybe this could help me revive the project?


So if there is some of you out there, with a good idea, you would like to share, i'm in!





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Thank's guy's. The Catch-22 movie is the reason why i love the B-25 so much!

It made a lasting impression, since i first saw it almost 40 years ago.

That's also why i had to get the model, when it first came out. And i also read the book by Joseph Heller this year.




There's only one "Catch", the planes in the movie are fake, so no real history there.

But i will try immerse my self in Catch-22 again, to see if there is diorama potential somewhere!


Maybe the "Denver Dumper"?



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This movie and some history books on the Pacific campaigns are what led me to love the B-25 as well! it's good to find other fans of the story here.


And that pic of the tents fading into the background would be a fabulous basis for a diorama... ;)

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I get my motivation to work on a model from knowning exactly were it is going to go, before i begin.

This means i have to decide what "original" aircraft i have to build. With a diorama planned with figures that place it

in a historical context etc.. Otherwise i completely loose interest in building it! How sick is that?


Not sick at all - I too prefer to have a solid historical background to my planes...


So, depending on what rocks your boat you have a number of options for a glass-nose J:


You can always find a regular NMF ETO B-25, but this one is a lot cooler: Finito Benito, Next Hirohito




For a different paint job, how about a soviet ?






Or perhaps a gun nose conversion to a glass nose bird - maybe not so hot if you already bought PE and stuff for the nose






Or perhaps a navy one (don't know what conversions are required though)



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Thank's for the suggestions Thomas, i must admit, that i have been through both the Mussolini ship and the navy blue, but none of them had very interesting stories.


The PBJ-J's (B-25D) have seen a lot of interesting action, but it would require backdating the model to a B-25D, i am not shure i would have the guts to that to a beatiful new model!!!

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So i decided to bring out the B-25J from the shadows, and dust her off!


First a couple photos of the cockpit. As you can see, i went for a worn and weathered look:

It's a mix af Profimodeller and Eduard photoetch, HGW seatbelts and some scratch build details, seat cushons, oxygen bottles, radio equipment, lead wirering,

wooden navigator table etc... (Note to self: The Flare Gun on the back of Pilots seat is missing!)

I also chose to paint the cockpit in FS34096 Bronze Green, show on some of the aircraft. 





Next up is to continue working on the bombardiers compartment.

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In the Bombardiers (nose) compartment i have been replacing kit and aftermarket ammunition boxes, they appear to be of wrong shape, size and number?

So i scratchbuild new ones from plastic card, also adding some wirering etc...


As you can see, i have also been reworking the bulkhead against the cockpit, adding some detail behind the panel and scratch-

building the "plumbing" which would normally be hidden behind a panel/sheet, but i wanted it to be visible.


Next: Detailing and masking the Cockpit Canopy...

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