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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Revell 1/32 He-162 "Salamander"

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Revell He-162 with Aires cockpit. The cockpit was a bit of a bear to get "seated" despite the fact that I scraped away all existing kit side wall detail to such an extent that I left the fuselage at near-paper thinness. RLM76 underside and RLM02 wheel wells painted with Vallejo Air (my first and last time using them). I know others love them but i just couldn't get the hang of them; I experienced constant airbrush clogging with them. In fairness though, the finish was quite good. Decals were from the kit and were excellent. I'd like to build this kit again but completely OOB. I also added a bit of plumbing on the engine, though certainly not as much as on the real thing.









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And he scores with another clean build!

I hear you on the Aires pit. Their detail is amazing, the resin looks like it needs minimal cleanup, but you often need to either fill a huge gap or sand away half of your model to get a decent fit...


You nailed it.

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Indeed a very nice build, it's unbelievable that the germans were able to produce such aircraft at the end of the war with the minimal resources they had.

I wouldn't give up on the vallejo air range if i were you, just ad a few drops of vallejo flow improver in your airbrush cup, this makes all the difference while spraying, after i started using that stuff i have much less tip drying on my needle, and i can keep spraying longer without clogging my airbrush. The finish with vallejo air is really good in my opinion.


Anyway, great build,



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