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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

American Volunteer Group, 1st PS "Adam and Eve" Question


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Almost ready for paint on Neale's "White 7"  Anyone have insight on the upper wing markings?  Seems to be a lot of variety on the AVG birds, Nationalist China markings, no markings, over-painted British roundels. etc.  The restored aircraft has Nationalist China markings but we know those are not always 100% accurate.




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P-8194/white 7, Standard AVG colours DE/G/grey. Turned over to the 75th FS when the AVG disbanded and it's Chinese sun insignias were painted out in favour of USAAF stars on the upper left and lover right wings. It did retained both tigers and Adam and Eve's apple badge for some time with the 23 FG..

that sums it up to the picture above... :)

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