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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Any source for Bf 109 block numbers?


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HI everyone!

     Building an old kit with wheels that would have to make it a very early G6.  Don't have a W.Nr for it, and don't want to make one up that is too far from the truth.  Anybody know of a place with 109 types by block numbers, or something similar?


Thanks for your thoughts!



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Trautloft (then later Lutzov) flew a late WNF G-4 that was upgraded to G-6 standard, but kept the early wheels. This would be perfect considering the resemblance to the original box art... Eagle Cals has it as an option on one of their 1/32nd scale sheets.


(Edit: Sorry Gaz, hadn't realised that you've already decided a scheme.)

Edited by Wumm
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Thank you!!

Well...  that's something else to figure out.  The profile I'm using doesn't have anything camo-specific to either Erla or Regensburg about it.  And the earliest set of serials is for MTT.  And mine has to be from the earliest set of serials as only a few hundred were completed with the earlier style hub for the main wheels.

Got a good paint guide for the early MTT machines?


I'm gonna go look at the Marc Andre Haldimann site and see if I can find something useful.



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