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1:35 Caravan

(90 resin pieces and photo-etched set and one decals sheet to 3 version)

Catalogue n.º 504

Price tag: 118,20$ (83€) – directly from Plusmodel.


Plus Model was established in 1990 in the Czech Republic.
Their product range is comprised primarily of 1/35th scale resin kits, conversion sets, and accessories which are vacuum cast from polyurathane plastic.

For many years up to today that Plusmodel was creating in a clear and serene form, their own space in modeling, especially for 1/35 scale with fantastic resin kits and accessories for dioramas.

If you want something different and it will stand out in your diorama or vignette, Plusmodel is the answer.

Once again, now we do have an item that will stand for itself in any work, as a unique and original item: 1:35 Caravan.


As far I could get some intro for this. I have failed miserably. I had no references for this caravan, in use in the Wehrmacht or those marking that I will show later on this review.

I asked even to some expertise friends and still nothing. I did get some pictures, directly from Plusmodel, that kindly given permission to publish them here.

 So back to the box, you get a usual sturdy box in an open top.



It`s very well packaged, with all the parts coming inside of a bubble bag.

The dark gray resin is perfectly molded and you well may struggle to see bubbles in the 90 resin parts as they will see not a single one. Outstanding casting as it was expected by Plusmodel.

All resin parts come in a plastic bag and in a smaller plastic bag, the decals and photo-etched.

The box art is very attractive and is not more than the fully built and painted model which highlights the quality of Plusmodel.

But let's get to it:

 All the resin pieces are easy to work out and quite simple to clean the flash and the resin blocks.


All the undercarriage is very well detailed and presumably, it`s quite well reproduced.









All the springs, axles, suspension system, tabs, etc is represented given the modeler the possibility to put in upside down or even turn over.


Checking up the caravan itself, it’s constituted for 4 sturdy resin walls that don’t show with any distortion or bubbles which is quite outstanding considering the size of those parts.     


















The surface detail is very good.


The two end parts are in the same quality casting with a door in one of then, just you can just leave it open.



The caravan as no interior but it as doors and windows so it’s up to the modeler to create the interior… some sleeping bed, war machinery (radios, shelves, chairs, etc).


The wheels are well cast, with detail and no bubbles and raised details very well achieved.




Plusmodel gives the modeler every detail possible in resin like a small chimney, bolts and side boxes.








            The small photo-etched sheet contains some small parts for the suspension and trailer itself and a skylight hatch.  These small details (as hinges, handles and tubes) give a realistic touch to the model.



The decal sheet has a good color registration, made usually by Plusmodel itself.  The color and letters look fine by me but I have no reference at all of the options given. The civil options are totally unknown for me, but I googled “OldenBurg” or “F.W. DEUS” or “Joh. Grüters” and nothing, zero… Was quite frustrating…






As I already said, the only pictures I have were, generously given by Plusmodel.







The instructions are quite noticeable, with simple comprehension without any difficulty to the modeler with the parts numbers very well identified and the place where to, being quite easy to follow to the intermediate modeler.










This caravan is possible to be almost every theather in WWII… I confess that I didn’t found anything about it on the internet, really nothing, but the pictures given by Plusmodel are just great.

In this kind of subjects, more obscure ones, I think Plusmodel could put some history in the instruction and even a link to some pictures where they had their inspiration.

As for the product, the quality is of the highest level, with castings at most higher standard and detail is one of the best in modeling world, as resin concern.

Very Highly recommended.


With my sincere thanks to Plusmodel for this review sample. To purchase directly, click this link.


Francisco Guedes


Plus model - logo.jpg





  • Like 5

An interesting and different subject...

Easily adaptable to a number of scenarios. Such as a makeshift Abschluss Tafel on an Airfield for instance.


Thank you Francisco.

  • Like 5

Great review and interesting subject. I have something in my mind using a Scammell artillery truck with a civilian circus like paintjob, some evil looking musicians with 15th century costumes and maybe the above mentioned caravan. Sounds weird? I hope so :D. I have that plan sans the caravan in my mind since a long time. Thanks for pointing me to it.

Cheers Rob

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Great pics guys!! quite inspirational ones!!! Thanks! 

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