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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Need research help on 107th F6A photo mustangs.


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I have been compiling as much info as I can find on these mustangs, but there is almost none. I have a few books that offered some details, but not a lot on the individual Mustangs. All of the D-Day F6A’s were originally British spec and updated for the invasions, most had Malcom hoods that I could tell. I have been able find little if any photos of these aircraft.

Here is what I have been able to figure out, any additional pics or info you have would be appreciated.

F6A Mustangs

AX-B 36046 “Little Sir Echo”

Pilot - Lt.Col.Russ Berg. UK, August 1944. This F-6A was assigned to the 107th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron and flown by Lt Col Russ Berg over Normandy during the summer of 1944. 'Little Sir Echo II' had the upper wing and fuselage invasion stripes painted out with fresh Olive Drab. The aircraft was fitted with a Malcolm Hood. A whip antenna replaced the standard fixed mast.



AX-C 361??


AX-D 36160 

Aircraft 436160 (10th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) was involved in ground accident at RAF Middle Wallop airfield, Hampshire, England Jan 24, 1944(45?). Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.



AX-E Or AX-F 36049



AX-G 36163



AX-H 36174 “Jeanie”



AX-L 36165 



AX-Q and AX-?       36???



AX-? 36??? “Short S????” LtCol George Peck with Loe Louis





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I have 57 photos and a handwritten 2 page introduction from Robert F. Thomas Major, Air Corps Commanding, from the 107th Tactical Recon Squadron. Cool photos from Remagen 

will likely sell these on eBay.  Photos from the group from December 1943-May 1945

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