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1/32 P-47C/D Main wheels

Barracuda Cast
Catalogue # See article.

Available from Barracuda Studios for $8.95 each




Roy Sutherland at Barracuda Studios has sent LSM his latest wheel sets, this time for fans of accurate 1:32 P-47 'Jugs'. Wheels are a science in themselves, with numerous tread patterns being used in various theatres, periods etc. Barracuda have released THREE new sets to cater to all your Thunderbolt needs, and these are:










Barracuda Studios is based in Fremont, California and ran by Roy Sutherland, who is a very talented modeller. For those who are not familiar with Roy's work... He produces some very fine upgrade/correction parts for a few different kits on the market of different scales. The quality of his work has to be the best on the market these days and even better, I personally believe his products are worth more than you actually pay! But just don't mention that to him!








One... well not just one, but three of Barracuda Cast latest releases are for the 1/32 Republic P-47C/D Thunderbolt kits that are currently on the market and suit either the Revell, Trumpeter and Hasegawa kits. All these kit's have the same problem, some worst than others and poorly detailed and incorrect tires and hubs.






Each set has six beige/light tan resin parts and a full set of colour instructions, which is neatly sealed in a zip-lock bag and secured to the retail cardboard packaging.






Each resin piece is elegantly casted and finished without any casting imperfections. The separate hub pieces are crisp and beautifully detail. Two types of hubs are offered, the plain cover or slotted options. The slotted option has a small amount of flash to be removed between each spoke. The three common tire patterns that are found fitted to the P-47 Thunderbolt are now available, which are the Block, Diamond and Cross tread patterns. With these three tread options now available to modellers, you can now mix and match the tread, as is commonly seen on many Thunderbolts.


From left - Hasegawa, Barracuda Cast, Hasegawa, Trumpeter




So what do we think?

My only complaint is that is no tail wheel supplied, would and nice addition if you're not a fan of the rubber tire that is supplied in Trumpeters kits. Otherwise the wheels are beautifully detailed, the low cost for the product...The best P-47 mainwheels in town, a must for any 32nd scale C/D Jug!


Highly Recommend!


Our sincere thanks to Roy at Barracuda Studios for the review samples used here. To purchase this directly, click the links in the review article.


Dave J.




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Barracuda P-47 Cross and Block Tread Wheels


Great review Dave!



Barracuda wheels for my current WIP Hasegawa Jugs.


Left is Cross tread (pre-weather) with dish hub which will be used on my Russian Jug.  Right is Block tread (post-wash, pre-pigment) with slotted hub for my "Slick Chick" Jug.  As Dave mentioned there is a small amount of flash on the slotted hubs and care must be taken when cleaning.


On the Hasegawa kits you will have to reduce the axle length by about 1mm.  A careful cut and EZ sanding will do the trick.  Test fit, test fit, test fit.


These wheels were a pleasure to work on and the detail is the best out there.

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We have some P47 mainwheeks in the museum, will take some pics next time. I think the tyrethread

Differs but there were several variations.



Super review Dave .. .and I just so happen to have got some in stock last week !! They are gorgeous.

  • 1 year later...

Ooh.. showoffs!;)


They looks superb, both Juggs and wheels..


anyone have any info of the third A/C (The D) on the B/W photos?


All the best



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