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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Academy IDF M-60A1 Blazer

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Well.......almost done.This my AMS relief build. Forgot a couple of things until I put it in front of a Macro. Like the inside of the barrel, a little pigment on the outside end of same barrel. White glue lens on the periscopes. This is the Academy offering. Except for antenna, all oob. Show's of my lack of figure painting skills. But I'm not going to get any better unless I keep hacking at it. Vinyl tracks were wadded into a ball. Had to pin them straight onto a piece of styrofoam and heat them with SWMBO's hair dryer for about 40 minutes. Still not perfect, but thats as good as their going to get. I found I used wrong shade of Sinai Grey. Also learned that when useing the grenade launchers, glue them first, then the reactive armor blocks. The launchers wont be 90 degress to the ground. I used Tamiya thick and thin glue to attach them, so their not moving. Sanding the 2 piece barrel without losing too much detail was tedious but I was happy. And of course both .50 cal. barrels were broken off. 30 minutes of my life I'll never get re-attaching them. 

















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