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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Looking for a decent illustration of....


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HI Fellas!

   Hate to do it yet again, but I'm looking for an image or even better a good diagram.

During the BoB and later, Dornier Do17's carried extra MG 15's on the sides of the greenhouse.  I have two images in books, but they aren't in any diagram or useful form for modelling.

This guy is aiming one of them:



Thank you for your thoughts!




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8 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

Gaz, are these any help.......all images are for research only .....




     Thank you very much!  I appreciate them, though they are from too far away for detail.  One thing they do show, is that there were variations, most likely done at frontline workshops and not a factory produced item.

Thank you!



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