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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Low budget build. Just for fun and learning Mark
  2. I didnt know that to. I found out when i whas in search for aftermarket decals and this option whas on the sheet. So another speciale one the most of us will be building a US navy version. There is also a option for Australia on the sheet Mark
  3. Then we all have tamiya instructions and no fustrations haha Mark
  4. Still fighting with the instructions. But there is progress. Thats it for now. I hope to get the front ip done this week and the last seat Mark
  5. One off my daugthers working on a revell 3d kit. Now she already ask for a plastic kit Mark
  6. Recievd today from the mailman 2 boxes 1kit whats in and yes its a bottle tamiya extra thin I hope to turn it in to this scale 1/12 limeted run kit Mark
  7. Just recievd.
  8. so a few hours off fun with the kit Eduard seat belts the are for another kit but hey for me it looks good. About the markings for this one i will go for a Danish one Didt some resaerch and i found out that i have notting to change because the have just upgrade there Romeos with the sonar launch system Thats it for now Mark
  9. A few hours off fun with decals and parts. Mark
  10. Have fun with that one I whas thinking on buying one but dondt have the room for it. Mark
  11. Just recievd my decals for the MH-60 Just now i have to dicide Danish or Australia Mark
  12. More progress. Its good for me just have to add seatbelts Mark
  13. Great work with the bolts much better. Mark
  14. Thank you all and yes kh the had there problems but im so happy with some kits the have no other manufactere would bring them out. Just take a look at the Mh-60 serie i also have there black hawk. I hope someone wil release the kits Mark
  15. thanks for the link didnt think about that Mark
  16. AT-AT fun 20230114_194731.mp4 Mark
  17. fighting with the crappy instructions and bad numbering off kitty hawk Made a few components and did a dry fit. Time to paint the parts Mark
  18. good progress so far. Mark
  19. And of we go. Starting with cockpit floor and other parts the instructions call for a decal on the consol but i found the decals crap so lets try painting. Now im also going on the hunt for after market decals for this one. Mark
  20. Hello can some one point me to the right shade off grey for the cabin of the mh-60 I know its grey but kitty hawk dondt provide any info(iff i follow that it will be all black) Thanks Mark
  21. Have this kit in the stash since kh stopt production. I whas in luck to find one iff you whant this kit now prepare to pay 3 times the price. Also i have some aftermarket for it. About the markings no idee yet. This will be another challenge because no color codes given for painting the intirior so google will save this. So here is the box In the box still all in the bags After market so far Thats it for now Mark
  22. Yes indeed not far from my home there is a nail shop. I have stopt there for sanding sticks and askd for some advice. The had a lot that whas not selling and i walkd out with the hole lot 50pieces for 5 euro. So me happy Mark
  23. Will open a topic soon. Mark
  24. looks great for this old kit and with your skills its going to be a great model Mark
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