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Everything posted by mark31

  1. yes i know his wife ask them to make a choise between 2 hobbys one has to go. so he decided to stop modelling. Mark
  2. Just bought me a lot off modeling stuff. He quitte with the hobby so everything has to go so i made him a offer. Mark
  3. just recievd very impresd with this kit its all 3d printed Mark
  4. I know that feeling thinking you orderd that kit and when the box comes home another kit is there. Then you check your order and see your mistake. Mark
  5. I love it this kit is still on the wish list. Mark
  6. just orderd me a V2 rocket engine in scale 1/12 Mark
  7. Just tryng out New stuff on wheatering
  8. Its out here in europe i dondt know in the us. Mark
  9. No modelling stuff but running stuff. Going for longer distances so i need to drink underway Already planning the next running trip off 18 k Mark
  10. thanks Peter just fun build. the are sitting like this for over a year on the shelf so time to finnish this. Mark
  11. straight from the box fun kit to build and just enjoyd it . Mark
  12. more fun on the GTR now step 4 is done. Thats it for now next up engine works. Mark
  13. new plastic so just a quick dryfit
  14. after putting it on the shelf its time to battle the kit again. Time to close it up the ip still needs to be placed. Mark
  15. Just recievd my B-day present. Mark
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