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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Hello my opinion for this kit. Its a great kit the seats in the kit are not right and the wiring provided in the kit is to thick. Thats wy i used copper wire to change it all the rest off the engine is out off the box. So far everything fits nice. Only the instructions for placing the exhaust isnt that clear. Mark
  2. Thanks. This is my first prop buildt normaly i do jets. Mark
  3. part 2 of the engine. And a pic of the seats still have to do the belts. Mark
  4. part 2 off the work. cockpit. Start on 1 off the engines. more to come. Mark
  5. Hello this is the kit where im working on for the moment. The kit is from hk models. Things done so far. pit floor and turret gunners floor. some major parts done. tailgunner. Part of the pit. Turret gunners position. More to come. Mark
  6. A bit more work done. The pit almost ready to put the canopy on. Mark
  7. Hello here is my space where the my moddels begin there life. And my stash. Like u see the most is 1/35 and 1/32 Still underway for the stash are the skyraider and 2 black hawks. Mark
  8. Great work u show here. Keep going. Mark
  9. Yes its the same kit. Everyone thanks for the nice words. Mark
  10. Ok thanks for the info. Mark
  11. Hello this is what im working on at the moment. Normaly i buidt jets but at the moment i will ga for a few helos (about 10 inthe stash) So when finnishd i hope it ill look like this one. The kit i will use is the italerie kit. Job done at the moment. This part is a combination of eduard en verlinden. Its the back seaters ip.. pit instald. The decals will be home made. Mark
  12. Its stands there where your name is. By me its just under the newbie. Mark
  13. I have the same but not visseble by others . Mark
  14. Yes the are on the same day :-(
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