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Everything posted by mark31

  1. great progress Peter have one in the stash iff i can build it half that good i will be happy keep up the great work Mark
  2. Thanks Peter still not there but getting closser im using tamiya white putty and it warks great for me Not yet rivets in place the one you are seeing are the fild ones still a bit more filling and sanding to go its now in the primer still a few mistakes to cleanup before the rivets will be added stay tunned Mark
  3. more things done still needs some sanding and polishing before primer then i can check off everyting is good Mark
  4. made a start on the front ip also made clear lenses for the instruments needs a few touch ups Mark
  5. small update sanding done on the engine covers first feultank in place more sanding,filling and scribbing to go Mark
  6. small progress on the second electronic bay and a few bigger parts done Mark
  7. sorry to haer my friend you are in my mind Mark
  8. nice paint work on the pit Mark
  9. more things done and for me a mile stone in the build and didt a test setup now more filling,sanding and scribbing to go Mark
  10. its the old revell ids kit the only game in town in the big scale normaly italeri will bring out a brand new tool gr4 in the futere im planning to make the panels again for the cut out i have used dymotape beside the panel lines and the with a fine razorsaw cut out i hope this helps otherwise ask away Mark
  11. small update on the pit next up more filling and sanding to do on the other half off the feuselage im going to try to close it at the end off the week Mark
  12. yes indeed no fun part but when done it will look beter still a few hours to go Mark
  13. with all the sanding and filling going on with my hip i need a side project Planning on a tornado ids markings not yet diesided but there are 3 options the plan is to try new things for me to scrath a few tings what i have done so far i know not 100% the real deal but im happy with it thats it for now Mark
  14. more filling and sanding done also i have removed the molding line on the doors of the cargo doors Mark
  15. nice start looking forward to see more Mark
  16. will take some pics tommorow Mark
  17. intakes and engines Mark
  18. just recievd from the mailman Mark
  19. its in the wip section with the title where east meets west and i have a second Hip in the stash so how nows Mark
  20. I whas thinking to get this kit but im going to pass deu to its price to steep for me Mark
  21. thats it at the moment Mark
  22. one side done with filling and sanding just need to claen up a few spots and mold saems when this side is compleet i will start the other side alraedy claend the intakes and exhaust and waiting for primer Mark
  23. more stuff done still going for the rivets and the pit almost there but not compleet happy,still working on it but you have the idee Mark
  24. Thanks and time will tell how good it will look Thanks buttis will take some time to get it done Thanks Peter and yes rosie the riveter i know that feeling Now going to the bench more putty and sanding to go but also to do a few things on the pit I hpe today to get the second ip in place Mark
  25. Thanks Danny still a verry long road to go but i will get there i have no daed line just hoping to get it done before 2020 Mark
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