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Everything posted by mark31

  1. i must be crazy for doing this all the rivits on the kit are negative and the rael dael are pozitif so here we go putty and sanding time to fill all the rivets i will replace them all with pozitive ons wish me luck Mark
  2. mark31


    welcome to the forums
  3. Thanks Peter still a long way to go but i will get there Mark
  4. thanks did a bit off work on the pit second saet ready and one ip next up second ip and mid console also a few other details like the pedals and sticks Mark
  5. Im not yet there for making the flaps im almost done with the intirior but the flaps scare me a bit like you say its a nice kit to build but now its on hold for a time other things on my haed Mark
  6. thank you sir Mark
  7. I like what im seeing here looking forward to the rest Mark
  8. thank you all for the info i will dive in to the kit and decals i have to decide what aircraft it will be then i will do a saerch on the number Mark
  9. thanks for all the info Mark
  10. thanks will go for intirior green for the pit and zinc chromate for engine compartment Mark
  11. Hello to you all im thinking to build a P-47D bubble top Now tru my search on the net i found a lot off difrent colors for the pit but i found out that it will be dark dull green now for the engine compartment the fire wall will that be the same color? i have seen zinc chromat yellow,intirior green,..... the inside off the cowl seems metal to me thanks for the advice Mark
  12. thanks a fewsmall things done Mark
  13. 1 finnish a model 2 waiting for the new black hawks from kitty hawk Mark
  14. going to work a bit on the pit first up the seats left out the box right my idee also made a small start on the floor Mark
  15. this is the first kit i have from this brand and yes im impresd from whats in the box Mark
  16. thanks Peter iff you take time to make the right cuts and all the same size it save you a lot off work afterwards to get them in the first i have made whas to small so a bit off adjusting for the cutting and perfect fit know trying to do a few things on the pit on the cargobay im noy going to do much because you will see noting from that part Mark
  17. thanks it wil take time to get back 100% but the bit off bench time i have today feels good i still have problems to get my self focus on stuff but i have time small steps in the good direction Mark
  18. small update made some work on the windows im not going to make a lot off details to the cargobay and pit because off all the waethering off the windows you will not se much Mark
  19. thanks for all the extra info Mark
  20. thanks Peter at this moment i have vacation on monday it will slow down back to normal life so back to work Mark
  21. time to make a bit off work on the hip changing the windows and making one extra on the right side before after cutting Mark
  22. Thanks and yes everithing is going well after ahard periode Mark
  23. very nice work on the Lanc still dondt know iff i going to buy one its a big one to put it away but im going to try to foolow your build Mark
  24. thanks for the links this is also on the do list iff the hip turns out good alraedy have the mig,marder and gepard in the stash Mark
  25. I dondt know Mark
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