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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Thanks Kevin. Highly recommend it.
  2. Several things. Masking the panel on my Revell 1/48 Sabra Jet and assembling the upper hull on my Tamiya 1/35 Churchill.
  3. Good morning from the USA headquarters of The Basement Air Force!! This is where all my scale modeling damage occurs, lol!!!
  4. It’s coming along nicely however lots of seams to fill and sand.
  5. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your holiday season is filled with happiness and joy! Oh and if you haven’t purchased and shipped my 1/16 armor kit gift….. you’re in luck…… there’s still a bit of time left, lol!!!
  6. Primed the engine this evening in preparation for hand painting.
  7. Thanks to some superglue and hardener the landing gear has been repaired!! However I still hate sanding seams lines!!
  8. So I did it, lol!!! Broke off one of the main gear while sanding the damn belly seams!!! Did I say I hate seams work???
  9. Thanks Dennis. The main gear was a bit fiddly however the rest of the build was pretty straightforward.
  10. Thanks it was fun using a few new techniques especially the rust effects on the exhaust along with added the mud!
  11. Oh thanks. It was a fun kit to experiment with a few new techniques!
  12. After what seemed like a life time I finally sat down at my bench this afternoon and finished my Meng 1/35 Sd.Kfz.182 King Tiger (Porsche Turret) German Heavy Tank. I had heard a lot of negative press regarding this kit but I enjoyed the build and highly recommended the kit.
  13. Finished my Revell 1/32 British Martlet Mk.V this evening. The kit can either be built as a US Navy F4F-4 or as a British Martlet Mk.V. Mold was dated 1992. Great kit, easy build and recommended.
  14. Sanding, sanding and more sanding of seams!!! No wonder I love armor builds so much!!! Sanding seams sucks the life blood out of a person, lol!!!
  15. Finished the engine build in step 1. I have to say a Trumpeter instructions suck. With the lack of written instruction the assemble is left up to the builders complete visual interpretation. I’m not really sure if the exhaust manifolds are assembled correctly so we’ll see a bit further down the road when the engine is installed in the fuselage.
  16. Oh thanks I enjoyed the build.
  17. Fiddly ill-fitting exhaust manifolds play this afternoon. Not at the least bit impressed!!
  18. Well like I said to a friend paint will hide a multitude of sins but I like the detail. Now on to assembling the engine exhaust.
  19. Completed the main character in my planned 1/35 Tamiya German SturmTiger 38cm Assault Mortar Field Maintenance Depot Diorama this morning. Stretch my skill set by opening the superstructure to expose some scratch building, interior spaces and mortar. I was a bit apprehensive on doing so in the beginning but pleased with the results.
  20. Revell 1/35 SpaePz LUCHS. Mojo building fun complete. Another inexpensive nicely engineered Revell armor kit.
  21. Really nicely done. Love the sharks mouth!!
  22. Thanks Harv.
  23. It does indeed. I built as it came out of the box but PE hand rails etc would have enhanced the detail. However it was a great kit to build straight from the box.
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