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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. 1/35 Tamiya British Army Chieftain Mk.5 Kit manufacture:Tamiya Scale : 1/35 Type: Battle Tank Extras: Tamiya Modern US Military Equipment Kit (Stowage) Paints: Tamiya, Vallejo and Mig Weathering: Flory Wash, Uschi Metalizer Pigments, Vallejo Pigments and Citadel Dedicated to my cousin Rod Keller. You left us way to soon. Chieftain Mk.5 on maneuvers at Canadian Forces Base Suffield, AB. Canada.
  2. 1/48 Tamiya Avro Lancaster B Mk.1 Reveal! (Inflight and Lighted) Kit manufacture: Tamiya Scale : 1/48 Type: British Bomber Extras: Eduard Canopy Mask, PE Interior and Seatbelts Paints: Tamiya and Vallejo Weathering: Flory Wash, Vallejo Wash and Uschi Pigments If you want to build a highly rewarding and stellar kit I'd highly recommend this kit!! Hope you like my new night light, lol!!
  3. Wow sweet build Tom!!
  4. Looks like some really great progress! Your engine detail looks great!
  5. I chicken out on the Lancaster and used the decals which after install I sanded with a very fine sanding sponge to level them. I really like that effect! I'm going to practice painting decals on some plastic card so I can work through all the mistakes without using a kit!
  6. I really like the scheme you've chosen! That looks like it will be a sweet build. I look forward to following alone!
  7. Wow very informative review Jim!! Looks like a fine kit and I look forward to watching your build when the time comes!
  8. It's a beautiful kit to build that's for sure!! I've since added the long wire antennas from both tails to the antenna mast which looks much better. In my excitement to finish I forgot to add them, lol!!! I recently bought the 1/32 Revell kit and ordered an Eduard PE interior, canopy mask and seatbelts! Looking forward to that build this winter!
  9. Very sweet build! I love the P-51 in British colors! Nicely done!
  10. Looks like a great build! I had the decals on my recent Hurricane build do some weird things including silvering!! I had just bought the New Tamiya Decal Set so with lots of coats of that and a million needle punctures they finally behaved. I'm going to try masking and spraying the insignias on my 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster I'm currently building!
  11. LOL nice progress but we still think you're a lurker!!!
  12. Wow love the weathering! Very nicely done!
  13. Stunning work as usual Mr Peters!! I have that kit downstairs if you'd like to visit the US for a few weeks and build it for me, lol!!
  14. Oh very cool Cees!!! I bet the movie will be fantastic!!
  15. Oh very cool!!
  16. Holy smokes that's a stunningly beautiful build!
  17. Thanks again for more kind comments. Bill its a great kit and you'll really enjoy your build!
  18. Wow you're making great progress on your Bf-Procrastination, lol!!! I finally bought my first 1/48 Eduard kit last week.
  19. Thanks Rob and Cees it was a really enjoyable kit that's for sure.
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