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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Oh very cool!! I like the camo netting!!
  2. Very sweet build!! I really like the base too!
  3. I swear with the exception of a few parts that mold/kit looks identical to the vintage Revell/Smithsonian Hurricane Mk.IIC I'm building now!!! The rivet and fabric detail on the wings and fuselage is identical!! How many total parts does it have?
  4. Thanks Bevan it was an enjoyable build!
  5. Thanks so much. It was an amazing build and kit!
  6. Looks like a cool build! Is that a sharpie you are using to pre-shade your panel lines?
  7. 1/35 Takom WW1 Mk.V Heavy Battle Tank Kit manufacture: Takom Scale : 1/35 Type: WW1 British Heavy Battle Tank Extras: OOB Paints: Tamiya, Vallejo, Mig Weathering: Vallejo, Flory, AK, and Uschi My Basement Air Force welcomed its newest ground defense tank the Takom 1/35 British/American Army Heavy Tank (Artistic License) variant to the barn today! What a fantastic and interesting build. I look forward to another WW1 armor build in the near future!
  8. Oh wow!!! Very sweet build!!!
  9. I'm getting ready to start mine after I finish my 1/48 Tamiya Meteor! Looking forward to the build!
  10. Thanks Mike it was a fun build!
  11. Thanks Dennis I give the credit to Revell for supplying me with a beautiful kit!
  12. Holy cow that's perfect!! Awesome build!!
  13. I agree with Jim and Jeroen I just can't see why when I seal that coat as I go plus I only on occasions thin my Tamiya paints preferring to spray neat! With that said it's always nice to hear about and experiment with new techniques.
  14. Holy cow!! What a build!! Nice progress!
  15. Excellent progress!
  16. Looking good!! Nice progress!
  17. Beautiful craftsmanship Mr, Peters!!
  18. Love the Arado!! Just finished mine and its a fabulous kit!!
  19. LOL Cees I snuck it under the radar!!!
  20. Oh nothing happened to it, lol!!! I just got attached to it while I was building it!!
  21. No Cees I bought the HpH resin canopy from Rene when I visited Amsterdam last October! Glad I did as it's a lot better than the kit offers!
  22. Thanks Aitorazkue for the kind comment. It was really a great kit to build!
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