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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. My favorite kit. I've built two and enjoyed them both. I have a third downstairs, lol!!
  2. Speechless!! Incredible craftsmanship!
  3. Looking fantastic Mr Peters!
  4. Best kits in the world!! I wonder what they'll do after Star Wars??
  5. I like this! Nicely done!
  6. Cool build! Very nicely done!
  7. I just build the Tamiya 1/48 Type 100 and loved it! Super job on this!
  8. Love the mud spatters and fuel filler spills!
  9. Super job! I'm a sucker for a yellow cowling!
  10. Just wanted to take a moment and wish all my dear friends at LSM a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  11. Oh wow very pretty build!
  12. Sweet build!
  13. The hull looks like the steamers in Zurich Switzerland!
  14. Wow super progress. The wooden panels look fantastic! Nicely done!
  15. Looking forward to following along Arno. Good luck!
  16. Sweet stuff my man!!! Love to see your scratch builds!
  17. Looking good Cees. Sorry I missed you while visiting Amsterdam!
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