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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Nice work Colin!
  2. Returning home from my parents in Canada this weekend so will be back at it soon!!
  3. I'll have to look into those!
  4. Continues to look fantastic!!
  5. Wow that boiler looks fantastic!!
  6. Thanks Gus!! It was a great little kit that's for sure!!
  7. LOL Jim!! I will no be defeated!!!
  8. Yes I'm a glutton for punishment!!! I'm told the plastic in this Revell/Germany kit is much better than the old Revell/Mexico Kit!! It has real decals and added parts. This is my second attempt with this kit after trashing the Revell/Mexico vintage kit!! Long story, lol!! Kit manufacture: Revell Scale :1/32 Type: Bomber Extras: Possible resin and PE cockpit parts. Paints:Tamiya and Vallejo, Clever Putty! Weathering:Vallejo, Mig and Uschi Pigments, Flory Washes. The first war plane made by the De Havilland Company since the last war. It is of wood construction, the fuselage being made in two halves, longitudinally. It first flew at the end of 1941 and was first made known to the public after the successful raid by four of them on September 25th, 1942, on the Gestapo H.Q. in Oslo. When over Oslo with their bomb doors open, they were attacked by two F.W.190s which happened to be in the air when they arrived. One was shot down, but the others, with their bomb doors now closed, outpaced the F.W.190s, who gave up the chase 60 miles out to sea.They had been used before this date to take “after bombing” photographs and on reconnaissance trips over Germany. Were used recently in a raid on the Phillips Radio Factory in Holland, and are constantly over the occupied countries and Germany. The Mosquito was also known affectionately as the "Mossie" to its crews. Manufacturers: The De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd. Type: British multi-seat long-range fighter-bomber developed from Mk.I reconnaissance aircraft. Engines: Rolls Royce Merlins. Speed: Secret. Mk.II (unofficial estimate over 400mph. The Mk.I has a maximum speed of 376mph and a cruising speed of 328mph). Armament: 4 20mm cannon in nose and machine-guns, numbers unknown Dimensions: Span 54ft 2in, length 41ft 2in, height 17ft 3in. Construction: Wings, wooden structure, stressed plywood covering. Tail unit same. Decking covered with plywood. Fully retractable undercarriage.
  9. Kit manufacture: Tamiya Scale :1/35 Type: Armor Extras: OOB Paints: Tamiya and Vallejo Weathering: Vallejo, Uschi and Flory My Tamiya 1/35 IDF Tiran 5 is complete! Like all Tamiya kits this was a delight to build. Highly recommended to my fellow Dark Siders, lol!!!
  10. Oh and spell check doesn't work either. Works fine on other sites??
  11. Very nicely done. Love your camouflage work!!
  12. Aaron you are the wood graining God!!!
  13. Beautifully done!!
  14. Oh very cool!! Can't wait until December!!
  15. Thanks for the kind comments!
  16. I can only hope to have your skill set and level of craftsmeanship some day!!! Looking fantastic!
  17. Yay my Revell 1/32 Fw190F-8 finally arrived!!! It has amazing detail for $23.95 US and includes an inflight display stand!!
  18. Very very very cool!!! Love your progress!
  19. Pretty cool stuff Mr Peters!!!
  20. Thanks so much Efrick!
  21. Super progress!! Love the cockpit and landing gear detail.I just started a vintage 1/32 Revell Mossie. I've opened the crew hatch and bombay doors and will scratch build the bombay interior, I hope, lol!!
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