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  1. Congratulations on what I hope was a therapeutically cathartic build. You have my deepest sympathies. Lindsay
  2. Is there an equivalent to these books for aircraft?
  3. I'm by no means a skilled or accomplished airbrush artist, but I'm proficient at snagging deals when they present themselves. I picked up this 6 gal., 1.1 hp compressor at Home Depot, regular $250 for $80. In the future I may want a more precise regulator, but I get along fine as it is with just the proper size hose fitting and a moisture trap on my brush. <insert obligatory apology about poor quality photo here> Lindsay
  4. I did the same thing and used Pleasedshop to buy my second airbrush. My first was a total P.O.S. that I bought at the Canadian equivalent of Harbour Freight in the States. The brush from Pleasedshop is light years ahead. Simple, robust, easy to clean, and great results even in the hands of a noob. I totally recommend them. Great service and fast shipping. They even contacted me because they saw that I got dinged for extra customs charges. At $15 or whatever they are, you'd be losing money to not get them. Lindsay
  5. This thread, and especially Matt's tutorial, are why I joined the forum. Great stuff! Thanks! Lindsay
  6. Argh! This drives me insane! They obviously took their measurements from the -3 variant in Lake Ontario as the cowl is all wrong. Even the most basic level of research would have shown this. Why don't they get on the forums and ask us before releasing these kits that can now only generously be considered tripe! I may buy one if it's like $10, but I'll only build it to be ironic. Pfft, LT
  7. This will be an interesting build to watch! What are you using for glue? Plain ol' CA? Lindsay
  8. Sentimental Journey was up in the Great White North this week. The fam took the hour and a half drive to see it. I don't get many (read: any) opportunities to see old warbirds, so this was pretty cool. My first time seeing a Fortress, and while not my favourite bomber, she's gone up a few notches. Excuse the random nature of the photography; I was too excited to be systematic. I hope these are of some help to those of you making the new HK model. The bird: Sentimental Journey: The Cyclones: The rudder: Rivet detail: Excuse the mannequin, but here's detail on the gunsight: Tail: Tail wheel: Ball turret: Nose: Gear bay interior: Bomb bays: Pinup and rivets: Oil coolers: Main gear: Trailing edge (flaps in): Interior Ball turret: The Office: and poorly exposed bombardier: Hope those help! Lindsay
  9. As well she should! Great news. Lindsay
  10. Thanks for the review, Nick. Do you know if this set fits Trumpeter's R kit? Thanks, Lindsay
  11. I like the looks of the Ninak, and it's predecessor, the DH4. You've done a beautiful job with this one, Jeroen. I can practically smell the rich mahogany and oily doped fabric! Lovely bird! Lindsay
  12. I know superlatives fly fast and loose on forums, but I can say without hesitation that your tank is the most realistic representation I've ever seen. Just incredible! Bravo! Lindsay
  13. Do you know if that's an Airdrome Aeroplanes kit? They make a bunch of homebuilt kits: DVII's, Nieuport 11 through 28, and full size Pups, Camels, and DrI's. with a 150 hp radial they look and sound incredible. http://www.airdromeaeroplanes.com/index.html The first Camel builder kept a great log on The Aerodrome forum. Hours of great reading <goes looking for link> here: http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/replica-aircraft/43868-airdrome-f-1-camel.html Now the same guy is commissioning a Gnome 100 rotary engine build! http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/replica-aircraft/57967-running-gnome-100-a.html I like building the 1:32 stuff, but the 1:1 is a life goal. Lindsay
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