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Everything posted by Ssasho0

  1. wonderfull! Keep up the good work
  2. I watched your build over there at FB and it is absolutely brilliant Good work!
  3. Danny, this one is progresisng very nicely I enjoy following it
  4. it shaping up excellent, good job!
  5. This kit is great and absolutely fun to build! I will be watching it with beer and popcorn in hands @TeWika: The rivets on this one are factory built You have to add the ones around the seam of the fuselage halves only Best regards, Sasho
  6. For first WWI kit definately go the WnW way. While the kits look more complex, and this is partially true, they just fell together and building them is great fun. You can buildit OoB and create a stunning model or you can add details and then only your imagination is the limit! The kits of the other manufacturers, while simpler with fewer part count are way more difficult and lack the detail and engeneting beauty of teh WnW kits. In the end, they are way more harder to be build and furthermore, achieving good result is way harder. From the WnW kits, the Fokker DVII have nearly no rigging, so this makes it a wonderfull choice for first WWI adventure. The Roland DVIa/b and Albatros kits are also with quite simple rigging and can bea good start. The Fokker Eindecker series is not that good choice - while there is just one set of wings, the rigging is not that simple, especially at the undercarriage area. Most british subjects have more complicated rigging, so I can't really recommend them I hope this helps Sasho
  7. while expensive, Gaspatch turnbucles are the best, they really look like the real thing! Ofcourse homemade or Bobs'buckles are excellent choice also and will do the job just fine.
  8. voted! I think in an earlier interview somewhere Richard Alexander stated that they willbe doing a Dr.1 or am I mistaken?
  9. Thanks guys, dirty yes, but in line with the period photos!
  10. This will make W.12 prices drop on evul bay Now please, do something similar with LVG!
  11. This model was supposed to be my Eindecker GB model, but as you can see I'm a bit late! So thats WnW Fokker IV with GasPatch turnbuckles (1:48 and 1:32), microtextile belts from HGW, EZ line and fishing line(forward top cables) for rigging and handcarved propeller. Next time I'm building an E type, I will change the horizontal stabilizer's "tube with"brass rod or something as the plastic part is too weak. Any comments, questions or constructive criticism are most welcome! Best regards, Sasho
  12. MOst excellent, thank you for sahring!
  13. I have no idea what SMN site is, but a link or more pictures will be appreciated!
  14. lovely, I relly like the weathering!
  15. Taube Albatros DIII Lohner L Changed the felixstowe - we already have it
  16. I really like all your work and I have one question, what kind of grass are you using here? Can you elaborate on the way of "planting"it also pelase?
  17. awesome figure, can you tell us your 3way of painting the leather? I still can't achieve effect even slightly near to yours
  18. Another excellent build RB, can't get enough of those builds of your Ps: yes, the way of photographing the underside is damn cool! Best regards, Sasho
  19. Hi RB, have you tried Ctrl+V? This is how I paste here and no problems so far. Regarding the images, it seems that you have to add them again one by one via the painting button on the bar above the "post reply" field. It seems it doesn't work if you just paste the links with etc. I hope this helps Regards, Sasho
  20. The Albie is looking better and better with every update Keep those updates coming!
  21. thats true and you should also add the amount of WW1 kits in 1:32, many of them of types that the regular Jack, like myself, never heard about before seeing one of those kits built WOnderfull times for modelling!
  22. another excellent build Chema, I really enjoy looking at those planes and they make me wanna build one! Best regards, Sasho
  23. there are quite a lot of books for this particular aircraft. I have the following ones: Windosck datafile #9 Windsock Datafile Special FOkker DVII (in 3 volumes)
  24. You misunderstood my post, which is not strange as English is not my language and its not unusual to fail to explain something in details. The struts are the same for left and right but puting them the with back to forward should be hard and from what I see they are put in the right way but not fitted completely. On hte same sprue there are the late struts with a small "leg" on the front side (see pic bellow) you can try them to just see how the wings align and eventually find the mistake if any. As you can see I made another stupid mistake - overtightened the rigging and got the cabane strut broken, so if you use monofilament, you should be extremely carefull not to do the same. With EZ line this can't happen, but it doesn't add structural strenght to the construction. Not that added strenght is required for this kit Here are the two pics:
  25. as Dave have said it seems like the strut was not fitted correctly into the lower wing. As you may alredy noticed, the WnW kits have very tight fit tolerances, so if there was some primer and/or paint build up this may prevent the strut to fit correctly :-/. If I remeber right, those struts pins are not roung, but are semicircles as are the holes they should fit in and they are designed this way to prevent the builder from putting them in the wrong direction. I can put a picture from the same angle from my Albie, so you can compare the strut angling Best regards, Sasho
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