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Captain Boogaloo

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Everything posted by Captain Boogaloo

  1. I'd like to recommend the B 24 wheel set from Halberd ( think they do a couple of options, re: tyre tread)- the tyres are actually rubber, so should give nice realistic 'flats', and unlike the true details appear to be the right profile \shape. They also seem to be the right size, unlike the (very nice! but slightly under sized )Eduard brassin B17 wheels. Their B 17 supercharger set looks like it might be a nice tweak, though. Another approach to sorting the undersized propellers : kudos to Nigel for his blade extension system, but after all that work, one is still stuck with the odd blade shape and the plane jane hub. As it's definitely easier to shorten a propeller blade, I went for four of Eduards Corsair brassin replacement propellers - there is another, cheaper resin corsair prop on ebay just now, too. Can't recall who's making it though! As Resin2detail seems shut down, an alternative for resin radio sets is happy.lappy on Ebay: very reasonable price, even if they are sent from Australia! Hope that helps someone! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  2. Combat models do offer the HE 177 in 1\32 with detail parts as a vacform. (And an F4 phantom and a pair of me 262's in 1\24!!! ) But I could not resist Upor's awesome Lavochkin La9: 'tis under the tree, as I write! Ooooh, Its all too tempting. Nurse, the Screens! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  3. Holy underwear!! They look superb! I need some. Just wow. Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  4. I hope you get it, Anthony; your Mosquito build is such an inspiration, one can't begrudge a modeller of your calibre adding another deHavilland product to your collection. And .....I'm always....happy ....to be hunting for....no, don't do it......! BEAVER! Oh, dear. We return you to your regularly scheduled programme! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  5. Well, looks like that one went PDQ! And sadly the dehavilland dreams website ( the only source of this kit?) Is permanently saying "we'll be right back"....only they aint! A real shame. Wish I'd got one year's ago! Will have to be content with reading Your great build, Ron! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  6. Hi Ron, further to my last post, check out RC Groups electric scale Arf\rtf select scale Fly zone DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver - I recommend using the 'thread tool's ' bar to see the (ten plus!) Pages of photos, many of which should be some help with your Beaver project. Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  7. Hello Ron, amazing! If this is the kit that was sold from a little classified ad in the back of a certain magazine, I've always meant to get one of these; very interested to see what you do with it - best of luck! blue skies! Captain Boogaloo PS there might still be some great references for, er Beavers on the RC Groups website; there is a very accurate 1\10 scale foam electric powered Dh Beaver that some guys have super detailed, including adding cockpit details. When my brain decides to recall exactly what it's called I'll repost!
  8. Thanks for your rapid reply, Ron and for the top tip for the ANYZ website: their Hellcat set is ordered! Super nice stuff, I had to restrain myself from going 'click crazy' there! Had a nice surprise today when going through my 1\24 detail stash; found a Waldron Models set for the....Hellcat! Bought many moons ago from Hannant's old Hendon shop: most of it is duplicated in airscale's excellent Hellcat set, but not all. Bonus!! Thanks again, Sir. And also rather digging your Mosquito build, too! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  9. Hi Ron, Maybe he means once he's joined the upper and lower half of the wings together, is it still possible to fit the gaspatch guns (they ARE the most amazingly detailed guns!!!) into the structure? Probably, but why make things harder Grant?! Ron, as you are doing your 'Cat as an F-3 I wondered if you might be interested in the masks for Alex Vraciu's aircraft available from The Crafting Well on eBay right now: unfortunately they don't include the kill markings etc by the cockpit, all these details are too small for masks but I did find some 1\24 axis kill marking decals on the same auction site, so just the bull's head and Felix the Cat squadron mascot badge to find/sort. I'm planning to do my model as the a\c flown by The Fighter Collection out of Duxford for many years - a cunning plan, as it flew with the F6F-5 canopy, so I don't need to make that! Hope that's of interest to you, really enjoying your build and the engine posts are a big help, too! Btw, what size spark plugs\ boots would you recommend? I'm thinking 1\24 auto ones are going to be a bit small for an aircraft engine, I wondered maybe 1\12 or 1\18? Be interested to know your thoughts. Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  10. Hello again! Further to my last post, having seen the 1\48 hk models B17 in the, er plastic at the IPMS Telford show, the 1\32nd bird REALLY needs your correction....it's rather like a flaw in a lady's face...Once you notice it, it's ALL you can see. In fact if I may be so bold, I'm fairly sure the way the whole upper deck joins the fuselage is a bit...off. It's a lot more subtle than the nose\windscreen issue, and I appreciate many won't be bothered. But God is in the detail... Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  11. Following Aerocraft's self imposed delay to get the castings right I'm very pleased to say the aforementioned undercarriage set is now out; they are particularly nice and were worth waiting for. Damn fine work, Mr M! And while the resin main doors are a very nice bonus, the main legs (and rear) really are things of beauty - and so strong! Can't see these chaps ever bending! Highly recommended!! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  12. Hello, I'd definitely be interested in one; especially if you found a way to include the Windows. If you added them it would be a fix for all marks of B17.... Either way, fine work Sir! Blue Skies! Captain Boogaloo
  13. Hello Cees, Certainly, I'm a 44 year old male, living in Somerset, Uk, interested in (mainly) aircraft from WWII, but I (usually) only build aircraft that are still flying - I used to volunteer at Duxford for the Old Flying Machine Co, and have been a Sally B supporter since I was 9!- I enjoy researching and building models with an engineering bias; I love the internal structure and technical aspects we can put into today's models- my usual models were the old matchbox, frog, monogram or Airfix range, with the occasional 1/32 or 1/24 super kit when I was younger ( birthday/Xmas ). These days I build mainly 1/24 and 1/18, although 1/32 and 1/48 are also in my stash; I just had to get Hk's b17 - then everything eduard do for her, hgw seats/belts,Jerry Rutman's Norden bombsight, Master gun barrels, MDC flexible ammo chutes and ammo, but also found an amazing 1/35 0.5 ammo belt with excellent detail ( even sharper than mdc's!) and Kits world Decals ( wish they would do Sally as 'Ginger Rogers' from LWT tv series 'We'll meet again') Together with a stack of photos taken crawling all over Sally, should give me the chance to build a really detailed model of her. So you can see why I'm so into Nigel's build! My current projects are masters for a RR Merlin and a Db 605 in 1/24 and 1/18, a Mk IX Spitfire in 1/18 ( guess which one!) and a Me 109/ Buchon conversion for the 1/24 Trumpeter Me 109 g6. I also need to learn how post photos on forums, as up to now I guess I have been a 'lurker', but you've flushed me out! You might have come across a review of the Airfix Spitfire vb for Scale aircraft Modeller I did about a hundred years ago, and if you go to the IPMS show at Telford, I won the Airfix Modeller of the Year (!) for a conversion of the 1/24th Airfix Hawker Hurricane to the Prototype- can't recall which year though!! But I don't generally show my models that much. Sorry to hijack the thread, normal service will now be resumed! Over to you, Nigel, Sir! Cheerios The Captain
  14. Hello everyone, my first post on this forum; loving reading the posts. I joined here because Nigel left the other forum; I guess the reasons don't need rehashing, I'm just glad Nigel is still making his corrections public, having invested (or spent!) heavily on Hk's big fort and all the trimmings, I really want this to be a special build, and would love to read how Nigel sorted all the above...any chance of an update? Absolutely top stuff so far...please can we have some more?!?? Cheerio The Captain
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