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Everything posted by colt6

  1. Set the last few tools (really happy with the Eduard tool set). Did you know this? When you work to long on a project, you start to didn't like it. The more you look at it, the more mistakes you can see. So I finished it and hope you like it. Have a lot to work an my figure painting skills. For me it makes such a great difference when you have a resin figure. Compare the mechanic with the pilot and the girls. Ok, with better painting you can make a lot, but for me, it's so much easier. Look at the ears! Lol Maybe time to go a little back to my Game Over diorama Thanks for your help and nice words Arno
  2. Again thanks! Beside a project from my wife, I was building a little, but not so much posting. Anyway lets have a look: Build the BMW R-75 and I will not show pictures from the unpainted plastic, but what I can say is: I was really surprised about the details on this little kit, I'm an absolutely rookie with military vehicels building and so the fit was in my eyes just great. It drives me nearly cracy how many parts can be in such a little sucker. Lol Then on to something that I'm more familiar with, playing with dirt on my base plate. Starting with Molto Wood repair stuff, where I just put real earth on it Then I learned from you guy, just paint all black, to give it a little deep: I allways love the moment when it starts to come alive, after putting different colors on it and begin with the gras Most important: put from time to time your stuff on the base, to see how it looks Also look under different lights! Also I put some flowers on it, hope they are not to much Think my FW 190 looses some oil! Lol Interesting to build was also the Eduard Tool Box kit, I have to learn so much about glue small thing's!! But I love the effect from tools lying around So now more tools, a few colors more, but the end is in sight. Thanks Arno
  3. Just a short update: mount the cowlings and made a coffee brake, while there was this nice evening light. Just missing the right background. Lol Now slowly came the time to start the diorama. Thanks Arno
  4. with a little artistic freedom I made a wiring party :-) After a little weathering of the wires, I will install the MG 131. One of them I will try to show with the bolt in an open position, so we will see. Thanks Arno
  5. Phantastic build and superb Pictures!!!!!!! Arno
  6. Oh love this camo, great work!!!! The Germans had so cool camos, so I love if someone rebuild it Arno
  7. Really WOW!!!! Just love your painting scills!! Arno
  8. Thanks my friends, I feel honored comps from you pro's :-) It's all Vallejo. Yea Jeroen think I stop with the camo now, because I'm always afraid to overdo it Working now on the gear, so that I can start build the BMW in thanks Arno
  9. Started painting the 190 and so this is my version of the "Italien" camo, still have so much to learn with my airbrush.It allways looks so easy on Youtube tutorials. Lol First the bottom Then I made the factory camo, but it was sensless you didn't see it a t the end So the RLM 79 with a few highlights Dry fit to have a look how it work's Thanks Arno
  10. Great start, I also love this Eduard stuff. Arno
  11. Nearly finished the Tamiya Simca 5 and painted the figures. I still try to learn painting figures and what I must say is: a resin figure is always the money worth, that they cost more. For a pro it's sure no problem to pant all kind of figures equal, but for me its so much easier with the details of a resin mold. So the pilot and the Helferinnen are injection molds and the mechanic is resin. Of corse the Simca 5 was a pleasure to build, just say: Tamiya :-) Just add a few bits in the trunk and made it a little dirty and dusty, like it could look in Italy And on the dio: Thank's for your nice words, it gives me feeling that I'm on the right way Arno
  12. Your the master!! it's just a joy to look at your pictures and try to learn. thanks!!!!!!
  13. Thanks for the compliments, they really help. Just build the Eduard cockpit and again the fit is great, really love that stuff. It helps people like me, to make something look cool. Or you have to scratch build that stuff and this is a number to big for me. First time for me, to build real PE stuff, so I tried the Eduard flaps, was alittle terrible at the first look, so lot of mistakes and erors, but I think it will work for my Fw 190.I try to learn and practice! Lol Found also a base plate and try to made a first layout. What do you think? It should be a scene in Italy. Thanks Arno
  14. Ok, so I stop, after installing the exhausts and a few more wires for the Moment and start with the cockpit. Please don't look to exactly, I know its full of errors Thanks Arno
  15. Your right Aaron! With easy I mean: not ripped, not bend, not burnt........... Lol Arno
  16. Thanks! No, there was just a little resin to remove. Quick and easy. Arno
  17. As I'm building my Game Over dio, I need a little brake, or more something much easier. I think it's better to think about how to do it, then hurry and mess it up :-) So why not a little Revell Fw 190 F-8 Dio, for what I have everything. I started with the Eduard BMW 801 Engine and the more I build it, the more I fell in love with that Eduard stuff. Easy to build and really clever engineered. The Revell engine is absolutely not bad, but compared to the Eduard...... After Priming I love always the point, when thing's comes up to live with a little color. the wiring is also very easy and clever done by Eduard. Just with very flexible PE parts. Sorry, had to do it! Lol! Thanks Arno
  18. Thanks for your friendly words gentlemen. I'm a slow builder and I love to play around with my pigments and all that stuff, but because I'm very untrained I made many mistakes and have to start again. First I try to find out what this white marks on the top of the engine are. So I think that are not scratches, this is cooling liquid that flow out from the top connector. Amazing how many tubes and wires are on this Eduard engine, still not all installed, but I love to weather and have a look how it could come out. Maybe to strong. Thanks Arno
  19. Nearly in the middle of the DB 605 engine build and I must say: I really love this Eduard stuff more and more. In this dio the engine will be seen so well, so I'm happy to have such a great after market engine. This is right after the priming, the DB is still missing the complete wiring. Oh and the gun barrels are from Aber. I also found an Bantam 40 BRC kit from MiniArt, that will serve as transporter for my reporter crew. Compare the size from the DB with the Bantam!! Lol Arno
  20. Hi Aaron, good question, I have no idea, I just found this picture. Arno
  21. After the christmas things are over and I found a little time, I started painting the figures. Because I'm an absolutely figure painting rookie, I looked on Youtube for some tutorials and hey: there are some really great ones! The one on the left is from Hornet, the other is from Bronco and hey: the Hornet is absolutely phantastic in detail. The head from the Hornet figure: Also I begin cutting the 109 body. Lol Arno
  22. After looking many times on a Life magazine picture and after the fun building my Herbert Maxis dio, I decided to make another long time dio. If I'm able to do it, it will look interesting, like a sculpture with the shape of the blown up Bf 109, we will see. There are many points where right now not sure what we be around the plane, but I start with this: There will be only the photographer and one british soldier Arno
  23. Congrats!!!!! just a wonderful build and I know that it looks in real even better!! Arno
  24. Phantastic!!!!!! Really, really love it! Much better then my dirty 229. Lol Arno
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