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Everything posted by coolboxx

  1. Great work and tips watching this build with great interest as i have the g10 with grey dials :-( nice one Rob
  2. Great start the seat belts look great With the detail you have got. i asked the wife to pick me up a Revell G 6 the other day and she came back with a G 10 bless her ..Panther G on hold. ..
  3. Thanks fellas, really enjoyed this kit made a few mistakes but we got there.yes Wackyracer had to update profile when i saw you was in Suffolk
  4. Can't wait to see what you decide looking real good
  5. All done thx for the posts glad you like it will build another. Panther G early next any ideas what one? Washed out Panzer iii Ausf L wh 32 WinterKettern mostly bent :-) J Build link http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3336-panzer-iii-l-finished/
  6. Thx guys brilliant
  7. Great job love the weathering
  8. Can anyone help me, i am trying to source rivet plan detail for FW 190 A8 book or plans i have ordered my rb rivet tool and total inspired by you guys. the detail and your amazing painting skills, i have built a few FWs in 48 scale but this project will push me to my limits for sure following a few builds here, i think i can see how you achieve the fadded worn look.So BIG thanks for your great WIP and pictures. Cheers Darren PS. This was an ALFA RC FW 190 A8 i gave a paint job on looked a beast in the air, i have an ALFA spitfire too all electric.
  9. Thanks Jeroen yeah that track sets it off. Want to do another one TP me thinks Darren
  10. Well this is it my 1st real go at a 1/35 tank and i have a new favourite tank now. so am going to have another go with this mkiii soon. will post some more pictures in finished tomorrow,hope you like it any comments welcome thanks all. Darren
  11. Very nice great detail
  12. Rick, i now have the very same kit in my hands found one not cheap, so its in the build plan just got to find the one... was thinking Walther Dahl Stab/JG300 Blue 13 A8 and will try to rivet her
  13. Yes 262 i want to have a go at one of these been thinking of doing one for years, is there many scratched up ones about?
  14. i could eat my dinner off that
  15. Thanks all for the comments really appreciated well i have got the tracks almost done made a meal of these glued 1st then painted harder then i thought, Tracks where painted Tamiya XF-64, then black wash,then heavy dry brush XF-53, then chalk pastel pigment fixed with hairspray and finally light siver dry brush.
  16. Hi Ralph sorry to hear about Beth, wish you guys the best. Great job sir love the detail, paint chipping and rust transfer to the rubber nice touch well done. iam nicking that
  17. What a great subject and start do you get the crew as well?
  18. Cheers Grant i will check that out. Would like to do a snowy Base
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