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Dave J

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  1. 1/32 Northrop P-61 Black Widow Wheels For Hobby Boss True Details Catalogue # TD32018 Available directly from Squadron and True Detail stockists. True Details is one of the few brands that is produced under the flagship of Squadron/MMD based out of Carrollton, Texas in the United States. True Details have been releasing resin accessories for modellers since the 1990's, in the way of resin cockpits and wheel sets for all different scales. True Details latest release will please Large Scale Black Widow fans, and if you like me... You will be glad to see the backside of the rubber tyres that are included within the Hobby Boss kit. If you've not already seen it, check out our review of this seriously superb kit. The P-61 Black Widow wheel set is comprised of the three tyres and separate piece hubs, instead of single solid individual pieces like True Details has produce in past wheel sets releases. Each tyre has a pour stub that needs to be removed, but also the centre section of each tyre needs to remove also. This should be easy if you have large enough drill bit that fits into the inner diameter of the resin wheels. Each Hub is comprised of inner, outer and axle insert that is sandwiched between the hub parts. There is a small amount of resin flash that needs to be removed from between the spokes on the hubs. This can be easily sanded from the backside of the hub or a sharp knife blade to remove the excess resin. Each tyre has a weighted profile to them, with diamond tread pattern. A nice touch included is the actual trademark "GOODYEAR" with logo, which is spelt correctly. Hubs feature the brake hose, which is nicely captured and isn't over-scaled as seen on plastic injected parts. Casting is perfect and there are no signs of any imperfections or air bubbles. IMAGES OF KIT PARTS So what do we think? A great addition to your Large Scale Black Widow! Quality is fantastic and to the same level you would expect from another European Brand that produce resin wheel sets. Looking forward to see what else Squadron has up their sleeve for the Hobby Boss P-61! Highly Recommended Our sincere thanks to Squadron for the review samples used here. To purchase this directly, click THIS link. Dave J.
  2. Tamiya AS-12 is good... I used to decant it into my airbrush and it sprayed beautifully... You can add a couple drops of white and black to tint it too. Just make sure you use the can stuff if you do! Nice scheme too!
  3. Welcome LSM! Interesting line of books! I will have to look them up!
  4. Congrats Guys! Mike is looking stylish as ever!
  5. If you do the MIG...Have you seen the MIG 3 website??? Think its sovietwarplanes.com or something along those lines... Lots of fantastic info and schemes!
  6. That looks fantastic! Job well done!
  7. OoooH! Thats looking Awesome Frank! Your making me want to pull out one of my Mustangs now! What are you going to use for the BMF and scheme?
  8. Glad to see your doing some building in some sort of way... Your bench is looking great! I wish I could set something up like that.. but I am currently in a temporarily house until we deicide if we are building or buying a new place!
  9. Go on I know you want to! Fancy a little Soviet Build Off?
  10. Its good news... but I am not rushing out to replace my Eduard 109 collection!
  11. Indeed! I'm looking forward to seeing a Yak 3 and La 5!
  12. Hi Ítalo, I split your question from the Matt's build thread, as it would get more attention as a separate post. I hope you don't mind! From my understanding the Stiffners were added up a point in the F-4 production... I would say you would need to add this detail to your build, but more knowlegde people will be a long soon and will be able to answer your question! Looking forward to your build. Dave
  13. So I am going to throw a Aires Pit at it as well as some Quickboost exhausts... I was very surprised at the Aires pit... It pretty much fits straight out of the box! No control stick is supplied with the Aires pit, so the kit one is going to be used. Aires Pit slots nicely into place where the Trumpeter parts go.. Only complaint is the control surfaces... they are deep! I will have to add some surfacer to them... Only place where I had an issue with the Aires pit was over the wheel wells.. I had to attack them with a file to allow the resin floor to sit correctly. A quick dry fit...
  14. I though it would be a good idea to have two builds on the go at work... So when I drag in my compressor from home I have a few things to paint. So this is my second Lunchtime project! Trumpeters MIG-3 kit! For a while I been wanting this kit, as I have heard very good things about it and I have never built anything Soviet! My planned scheme is Hidden 4 - This MIG 3 was captured by Germans, probably in spring 1942. There are only two known photos of it and many pieces are lacking to nail the scheme down completely... So I am going to have to use some imagination to paint the camo on this one!
  15. Any updates Doug?
  16. Any updates for us Frank?
  17. How are you going with your Mitchell Paul?
  18. I knew they were fitted to some C's but I wasn't sure if it was for the complete production run or not, hence no comment in the review about. I didn't want to provide incorrect information. I know what you mean Matt... It looks like all the Eduard stuff should be out by next month. I could start mine soon as I plan to Resin pit... Maybe it could be the next Lunch time project once the Ki-61 & MIG 3 is done...
  19. Glad to hear! I think Cees should drop and do 10 for the offence of having an unopened can in his pic!
  20. Mike, Have you seen these? They are from Relish Resins, and they also do a couple of other correction/upgrade sets.. Corrected Spinners & Props Fixed Turret for the B B Corrected Nose We have requested samples for review too... Just waiting to hear back. Also we also have the Avionix Resin Cockpit set being shipped to us for review... and it does fantastic!
  21. How a bout a build? Going to try to clear a couple of things off the bench and get moving on this! Its just calling me to be built! From seeing the extra bulk heads that are a different shape that aren't used that are supplied, I figured it could be only for an Reporter. Its my understanding that the Fuse pod was different shape for the Reporter? You are more knowledgeable than me on this subject... Whats your take on it?
  22. Looking good Cees... One thing thou.... Should that Beer be open?
  23. Decals and Marking Options The decal sheet is pretty basic compared to some other manufactures' that provide the works in the way of stencils and full markings. Hobby Boss only supply the national markings, walk way markings, squadron and aircraft markings. The instrument panel dials are also supplied as a decal. The decals are well printed, with thin carrier film, they even supply the hole in the national marking for the underwing where the landing light is located. Two marking options are supplied with the kit, and they are the following – P-61B, #239713, "Lady in the Dark", 547th NFS Lingayen, Philippines Lt. Arthur Bourque. P-61B, #239414, "Sleepy Time Gal" 6th NFS, Capt. Ernest Thomas, March 1945. If this kit is on you're to get list... Then you will want to bookmark Mid-Atlantic Air Museum website ( http://www.maam.org/p61.html ) as they are restoring P-61B #42-39445. This P-61B was crashed on Mount Cyclops on 10th January 1945 two miles off Hollandia airfield, New Guina. Finally in 1991 after number attempts to recover it, it was on its way back to the US to be restored to flying condition. There are many photos taken over from the recovery and the current restoration project that will help anyone that is planning to build a Black Widow. So what do we think? This has to be one of Hobby Boss' best 32nd releases. A couple of small shape issues on a couple of components, for the ones that want something 100% accurate. A mix and match of P-61A and B variant parts, along with some F-15 Reporter parts... But, still a fantastic kit straight out of the box. Highly Recommended Our sincere thanks to Creative Models for the review sample used here. To purchase this directly, click THIS link. Dave J
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