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Everything posted by Scooby

  1. Good luck, rotten situation.
  2. Trust me, I buy from those guys. They are good friends, I even flew Roy to Canada once (Brett Green too). I’ve also been involved in kit, decal, and aftermarket development (including a Belcher set). I was giving Raymond tours of Cold Lake before I realized who he was. He was even measuring jets at the time. I was bugging Raymond about the CT-114 only a few weeks ago (he ignored me). As you probably know, it was in development and in 1/32 scale. If you know Rick Chin, he was involved in it and the motivational force behind it. I’m sure it would sell well, I’d buy nine right off the bat. Rick passed away and I think the project going forward stopped. If anything, Raymond owes it to Rick. Rick helped with so many of Kinetics kits (Prowler, CF-5, Alpha Jet, Hawk, CF-18s, etc..). Raymond would fly into Vancouver, and Rick would pick him up and drive him to Calgary, then onto Cold Lake. Rick did this despite the fact that he was in stage 4 cancer and suffering bad. I’d love to see a 1/32 Tutor produced dedicated to Rick. Just my strong feelings on it. Probably said too much too.
  3. Very sorry to hear of your loss, we lost two dogs two years ago, one was a surprise as he was healthy his full sixteen years. He was trembling one day and we took him to the vet. His white blood count was close to zero. We were told he only had a few hours. So we took him to see the kids and brought him back to the vet. He had cancer too. It’s never easy.
  4. Very nice work. And thanks for the influence getting the Belcher Decals and Barracuda wheels in 1/32! Could you maybe talk to Mr. Tamiya and ask for a 1/32 CF-101 Voodoo?
  5. My vote, build Edmonton Special as it is my hometown and the place I was born.
  6. HLJ always honors their pre-orders. My gut feeling on this, they are hoping a lot of us cancel. The Yen crashed after the release and the pre-order offer may be too much of a loss for them.
  7. Wow, I have a similar set-up as you! I even have the same paint booth, but I like your exhaust method much better. I have a Mr Gunze exhaust end that is pinched between the open window as it is closed. The outlet is a slit. I'm going to build myself a board similar to yours!
  8. Wow! Looking good. Looks like a Mosquito to me!
  9. I'm with you on the color scheme theories. There were blue/gray Corsairs modified in the field with dark sea blue painted on the upper surfaces, but I am of the opinion there were no four color scheme versions. There was the factory applied tri-color scheme and the tri-color scheme I have just mentioned. Your work is fabulous and awe-inspiring!!!
  10. I love both of your work, they are pure art. I agree with you though, I am of the opinion the high demarcation over the wing didn't exist. I feel it was wear from crushed coral going over the wings. And the main wells were not left in salmon, the Technical Order called for them to be overpainted in light gray. Both of you are the elite of our modeling community. Fabulous work!
  11. Very nice build! Pardon my ignorance, but what color scheme is this? Is this a target tug? Love it though!
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