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Everything posted by monnthebiff

  1. Cool project Mark, those Steigers are absolutely massive. Remember seeing them in the late 70's/ early 80's as my Dad was a farmer an used to go with him to machinery shows! Regards. Andy
  2. Very nice indeed, Top Studio stuff is just amazing. The quality has to be seen to believe. This will be epic. Regards. Andy
  3. All looking very nice Peter, I have one in the stash but have other projects planned before breaking her out. Regards. Andy
  4. Peter, your Whirlwind is shaping up very quickly and looking very clean indeed. Regards. Andy
  5. Absolutely stunning finish Peter and thank you for sharing your final finish techniques. Regards. Andy
  6. Nice progress and pleased to see you are feeling my pain with this build. A complete shocker of a kit indeed and the easiest thing to do is make a new rear bulkhead from plastic card or easier still put the whole thing in the bin lol Regards. Andy
  7. Nice start Ernie, you have a fine selection of AM for this one, after John's epic build I pulled my part completed build out and had a look at getting the Infinity bomb bay fitted...... Hmm interesting stuff so will wait and follow your build as a guide at the moment but itooks tricky with a false lower floor needed to be fitted from plastic card to tidy everything up as I'm sure you will see. Looking forward to you progress on this one. Regards. Andy
  8. Looks like that has worked out really nicely John, your pai t work looks super smooth and the surface detail looks rather good doesn't it! Regards. Andy
  9. Looking good John, regarding the undercarriage I purchased these Reskit wheels for my build They are beautifbeautifully cast with smooth tread and think they also dona set with diamond tread. Will make a big difference over the kit parts. Regards. Andy
  10. Now that is disappointing, something so simple... Regards. Andy
  11. Peter, it is the build from hell as there is actually nothing that fits nicely and the clean up required for each part is pretty soul destroying to be honest. I'd take s nice early 70's Tamiya kit any day over this one! John, you really are doing an amazing job and I salute you! Regards. Andy
  12. Now that really sucks John and a hard-core rework needed to get the fit! Regards. Andy
  13. I've built a few HpH resin kits before and I've found them on the most very enjoyable but this Helldiver is a pretty painful experience because nothing really fits, huge amounts of flash and misaligned moulds in a few areas. Couple that with a grainy feel to the plastic along with poorly defined detail it's real winner. Regards. Andy
  14. Couldn't agree more and sadly looking at pictures of the Vampire it looks like more of the same. Personally I wouldn't buy another Infinity kit ( I think they used the word Infinity because the erm...fun just goes on for ever and ever) until I have seen plenty of positive build threads of a given subject. Regards. Andy
  15. Wait til you test fit the gunners sliding canopy! Absolutely nothing is straight forward on this kit at all as you mentioned. Regards. Andy
  16. Very nice indeed John, I would suggest gluing the engine firewall and the rear turtle deck in place and use those two references for getting the fuselage halves to close before going to much further. There is an awful lot of trimming and adjustments needed to get things to close up. Regards. Andy
  17. I have the rear gunners set John and can say it's definitely worth while getting and will add quite a bit to the look. The rear gun position is a bit short on detail as well Regards. Andy
  18. Thank you John, you will find most internal structures are to wide and need sanding to fit. I have the PE flaps but sold the wing fold set as itbreally is a step too far to fit. Regards. Andy
  19. Looking forward to this one, you will have lots of fun getting this one together. I'm about to close up the fuselage halves on mine but had to put it to one side as I got pretty burnt out with it Can't wait tonsee you work your magic on this one. Regards. Andy
  20. Great progess Carl and looking very nice under some colour. Are you painting the 2 wing halves separately and then gluing together on to the wing spar followed by the necessary clean up and touching up or do you have a clever plan to build the wings separately and slide fit on to the spars? Regards. Andy
  21. That's extremely disappointing and concerning as they aren't cheap either!. The side panels took oil washes nicely after a clear coat I'm building a Dragon Bf110 at the moment and have the Quinta set, don't think I'll be using the seat belts though after seeing your nightmare and stick to HGW instead. Regards. Andy
  22. What happened there? I recently finished one of the and the Quinta stuff worked very well. Regards. Andy
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