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Everything posted by Padubon

  1. Thank you guys, I really appreciate your comments. Regarding the build, I will do the B6 destroyer with the 103s. Here some more photos, this time the landing gear.
  2. A little work on the exhaust flame suppressors and radar antennas. The antennas are not glued yet, I am still working on them.
  3. Here some new pictures of the landing gear. The nose gear does not have the hydraulic actuator to extend/retract the strut. I am puzzled by HK omission, but I had to fabricate one based on a few references and by looking at the instructions on the ZM Do335.
  4. Gents, Here some more pictures.
  5. I really hope it works, I do not like the resin intakes and I do not want to me forced to use them.
  6. As soon as I am able to find my Milliput that is what I'll use.
  7. Gents, I have been wanting to build a F-4E Kurnass using the 1/32 Tamiya kit and I think I had everything I need to do. The reason why I keep stalling on the project is the absolutely terrible intakes that Tamiya engineered on this model. I bought a set of Rhino Model works seamless intakes but I do not like the way they fit. I decided that I was going to try to use the kit’s parts and see if I can make it work. This is the Rhino's resin intake. And this is the kit's intake pieces. The inside has been puttied and sanded as smooth as I can possibly do it. I will get rid of those huge gaps. This is how I am planning to install the intakes to the fuselage. I hope it works.
  8. that is a very good looking model, I am quite impressed. Paulo Dubon
  9. Thanks, just a bit more gloss and it will be ready time for decals.
  10. Ralphsarc, Very nice! It does not look too big sitting on that pole. What did you use to secure the model? Paulo Dubon
  11. Gentlemen, Here a little update on the Italeri Mirage.
  12. Jeroen, I was not planning on getting this model but a friend had it and he sold it to me for $60. I thought it was a good deal and I got it. Paulo
  13. Gentlemen, I am taking a break from the Italeri Mirage by working on the HK Do335. I like the Luftwaffe night fighters, therefore I decided to convert the kit from a B-2 to a B-6. The only rear tub picture I was able to find was from a 335 that the French flew and it did not have any radar equipment. The model is going to be a what if because I do not know if in reality any B-6 was actually constructed. For the build I am doing a little scratch build, Eduard wheels and photo etch. Please feel free to suggest and comment, as I am very​ much shooting from the hip on this one. Paulo Dubon
  14. I got the wheels, barrels and I will use HGW seat belts. By the way, just noticed that I misspelled Heinkel on the title. . just noticed that I misspelled Heinkel on the title.
  15. Kahunaminor, that is a good idea, I already have the Barracuda wheels and a buddy is giving me the Master barrels.
  16. Wouter, I am going to finish a couple of projects first, then a I will do a WIP on this kit. I was planning to build it OOB but even with all the stuff in the box the wheels and 20mm barrels are the Revell ones. I am going to get Aires wheels and Master barrels. Paulo
  17. Gents, For a while I have been thinking on buying and building a Revell 1/32 He162 with aftermarket goodies. As I was looking for it, I found this kit at Sprue Brothers for $62. Everywhere I looked the model cost almost $100 more, so I bought it. The box contains the Revell kit, tons of amazing resin, decals, two photo etch sheets and some booklets. I think this kit is great deal for $62. Paulo Dubon
  18. I'll be dumping my PCM and getting one of this!!!!!
  19. You are welcome. Paulo
  20. GusMac, You can leave both ailerons on the down position. Their hydraulic actuators bleed pressure while the aircraft is not being powered causing the ailerons to drop on their own weight. The flaps on the other hand, have locks to keep them in place. Good build and I am looking forward for the completion. Paulo
  21. That is good news!
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