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Everything posted by Padubon

  1. Gents, I truly hope that the Special Hobby Tempest is not the same as the PCM model. I have the PCM and it is terrible, even with all that resin and photo etch. I know what many people say about being a short run kit, but for $60-70, I hope to get something a little better quality. Paulo Dubon
  2. Rick, What parts are you looking for? Paulo Dubon
  3. That is nonsense!
  4. Youngtiger, If you are planning on getting or already have one of this Mirages, you will notice that the assembly of the lower wing goes all the way to the bottom of the intakes. This design will make it very hard to erase the seams inside the intake. What I did was to cut the lower wing part at the very front, just ahead of the gun wells, along the seam of the upper intake piece, which sadly has about a millimeter gap. By doing this I was able to erase the seam much more easier than the way the model comes.
  5. Danny, It is good to see the job you are doing with this model, it gives me hope with the Mirage I'm building. What did you used to weather the wheel bay? Paulo
  6. Dennis, Thanks for the comment. Can you imagine fully engineered 1/32 tamiya Mirage III? I am willing to sell a kidney to buy it if it ever happened. You are right about the partnership between those two, too bad Italeri did not match the Tamiya's standard.
  7. Thanks guys. I'll post more pics soon.
  8. Gentlemen, I apologize for my lack of skills in English composition, but I will do my best to write a little about the new Italeri Mirage. I am fully aware that Italeri kits are not up to the standards of Tamiya, Hasegawa, etc. but for the price of their new Mirage III, I was expecting a little better quality, regarding the fitting of the parts. The parts on the sprue trees look quite nice, and the assemblies of internal components fit well, but when it is time to assemble other components, for example the jet intakes, the kit just does not fit well. I also had a bit of trouble with the wing assembly, because if it is flush on one end there will be a gap on the opposite side. So far this model has been very putty hungry, and frustrating. To make it a good nice looking model, you will need a high level of expertise, which I do not have, and lots of patience. I am building the kit with the Atar 9C, to represent one of the few upgraded Israeli Mirages at the time of the Yom Kippur war, unfortunately, the Isracast tail assembly does not fit well, for that reason I modified the kits tail to make it work. I think the kit can make a nice looking model when completed, but I do not think it is going to be an easy build. Here some photographs of the build so far. I used the Eduard cockpit upgrade. Some lead wire for hydraulics Lots of putty.
  9. Dennis, I did not think about that! I will give it a try. Paulo
  10. Gentlemen, I have a HK B-25 but unfortunately I can not find the instructions. Is it possible for anybody, that have build one to help me get copies of it? Thank you very much. Paulo Dubon
  11. Gentleman, I started this model in 2009 while I was in Iraq but i did not finish until a couple of years ago. I used the Isracast conversion kit and the Academy Python 5 missiles. Suggestions are welcome. Paulo Dubon
  12. No fregues, que buena onda! Are you from Guate also?
  13. Hello Tuni, I was born in Guatemala and I enjoy when fellow modelers build "Chapin" birds. I am about to start my Mustang and I will attempt to replicate 336, with rocket mounts, red lightning bolt and un-cuffed propeller. If you need some pictures please let me know. Unfortunately, I am not able to see your post photographs.
  14. Correction, the model is KH not KW!
  15. Gentlemen, Every couple of models a build, I do it as OOB. In this case is the new Kitty Hawk T-28, which is pretty good, except for some fitting issues around the cowling panels, and fragile control sticks. Other than that, this is a nice model to build. Again my friends, suggestions are welcome. Paulo
  16. David, That is a very nice Corsair, and with that brand new look it looks great. I have not build a model with the "Factory fresh" look, but after seeing yours I would like to give it a try. Paulo
  17. This are the pictures of the final work on the -1C. The propeller was made from the Tamiya Corsair prop spinner and the paddle blades from the trumpeter -1D. I decided to replace the 500lb bombs with 1000lb using Hasegawa ordinance. Please, suggestions are welcome.
  18. A picture with markings of the only -1C ace of WW2, # 11 flown by Lt. Joe D. Robbins, VF-85 aboard USS Shangri-La, 1945.
  19. Cees B, Thank you very much. I hope to work a bit more on the model soon.
  20. I used the rockets, rocket mounts, propeller blades (needed to be thinned a bit), and bomb racks. An additional bomb was taken from another Tamiya Corsair.
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