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jose pedro

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Everything posted by jose pedro

  1. Great start, as well as a great selection! Cheers!
  2. Great work! The airbrush skills are also topnotch!
  3. Thanks for the comments! Have a great New Year!
  4. Great work! The painting looks stunning!
  5. Hello Paulo! That work is impressive, both on the overall feel and in the details! Great job!
  6. Hello! Paulo, Thanks for the feedback! Your opinion is very important! Erik, unfortunelly, i am a slow builder, and i work mainly in 1/48. I´ll try to be more proeficient! My best regards! José Pedro
  7. Hi! These all resin kits are almost gems... Despite of the presence of some problems, all surpassed with little effort, they result in very atractive replicas! And the surface detail is outstanding! José Pedro
  8. Sorry for the late reply! Thanks a lot for the feedback!
  9. Great work! I also love the line of this fighter!
  10. Thanks a lot for your feedback! José Pedro
  11. Hello! This is one of my latest projects. It`s the HpH full resin kit, which is an impressive package, boasting exquisite detail on the resin parts, and enhanced with 2 PE frets as well as a set of gorgeous microfibre seatbelts produced by HGW. It featured in this issue (June) of Airfix Model World. It was a big challenge, as it was my first full resin kit, as well as my second 1/32 attempt. It has several challenges, but its cheer modelling fun! The paints used were: Gunze, Lifecolor e Vallejo Model Air. In progress photos: http://josepiresmodelismo.blogspot.pt/ I hope it`s up to your taste!
  12. Great work Paulo! The intake and exhaust covers are a blast! Well done my friend!
  13. This work is from the outer sideral space! Can`t get past the engine! Stunning!
  14. Hello Paulo! It will be great to follow your build! Very nice start!
  15. Wow! That´s a great work! The solution you found with the tape worked wonderfully!
  16. Great work! That´s an amazing work!
  17. Great Work! For my taste, the weathering is perfect!
  18. Wow! That´s a massive upgrade!!!!! fabulous work there!
  19. Great quality!!!!!
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