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Everything posted by Grunhertz

  1. Hi all I've put the tiger tank back in the box and I have 2 1/32 kits on the go the first of which is Special Hobby's wonderful tempest kit supplied to me with thanks from Special Hobby and James Hatch thanks guys! So here we go not much to show at the moment but I have started in the very well appointed cockpit will be adding to it over the next couple of weeks So here we go next will be a clear coat and then a little light weathering
  2. Just read this from the beginning oh my word that is good wow!!!!!
  3. Wow!!!!! Nothing more to say really
  4. Bit of a curates egg this one, I've found this with most stuff in an italeri box to be honest in that on the sprue things look great then when you start putting things together it all goes to pot. Italeri have the drive and idler sections of the hull separate and to be honest if the engineering was good it wouldn't be a problem but 4 pieces in and I know I have a filler queen on my hands. This one is a case of dry fit, swear, shave, sand, dry fit and finally swear. You get it close but not close enough. Vallejo putty will be my friend on this one. This brings me to the fit of the hull I had to shave various pieces to get to what you see below Which brings me to the zimmeritt wtf????? I may have a play with that as it's well, weird?
  5. Hi all this is my first build on here so I thought I'd bring some armour to the party Italeri's 1/35 Tiger 1 I'm planning to do a Normandy or Italy tiger to go with a Sherman firefly I have to build
  6. Hi all, I know James knows me and I see a few names I recognise. I build mainly aircraft but have been known to build armour and cars I'll put a larger scale build up soon. Till then. See ya Darren
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