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About belugawhaleman

  • Birthday 07/20/1964

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    Waukegan, Ill USA

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  1. Just a question; what's the difference between the resin and the kit tail? Are there fit problems with the kit's tail? I'm not familiar with Hasegawa's P40 kits. Nice work so far BTW.
  2. Nice work. Certainly an odd-looking bird!
  3. Outstanding build quality and detail! Very interesting subject as well.
  4. Beautifully done Rob....outstanding finish!
  5. Put some decals on..... Later I noticed that the stars on the sides are slightly too forward, but nothing can be done now...Oh well, Hell😑
  6. Oh, I forgot about that Horton.....well, maybe that one too.
  7. I really don't need any kits right now, but I've been eyeing Hasegawa's 1/32 Raiden....It's an odd-looking aircraft that somehow appeals to me.
  8. Well, beats my record of Ten days at Chicago customs I'm sorry to hear. Like I said it's usually just a couple of days.
  9. Looking great Kevin . Yes, Mr Color leveling thinner is a gift from the Gods...good stuff. I've never tried Future. I always Go with Tamiya Acrylic Clear and leveling thinner. I always have a batch pre-mixed on hand.
  10. Nice! Very realistic pavement.
  11. Nice work John! Beautiful finish. Nice to see an ANG aircraft . Just makes me think of a time when Mustangs were regularly flying over the USA. Must have been cool to see.
  12. I like subjects that are off the beaten track. The Pzl-23 certainly fits the bill. Love it! Lots of details, rivets guns and stuff!
  13. Did a little work on this Tamiya Sherman yesterday. Got the paint on, ready for decals.
  14. The longest time in customs for me was 10 days. That was also Chicago and the package was from Hobbyeasy China. Usually it's just a couple of days.
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