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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. 5 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Thanks Richard. I think I have the color pretty darn close. :) I’m going to use it, but will modulate it somewhat on the model.

    But I’m grabbing some Hataka paint as well. 

    That airplane is a true National Treasure!  The only one left anywhere in the world. I will get to Kraków to see it in person one of these years.

    I’m surprised they even run the engine and taxi it around the field. I hope they shut down air traffic for miles when they do. I’d hate to see it get T-Boned by Mom and Pop in their Cessna Out Dvorak a joyride on some Sunday afternoon. 

    I can understand the Polish not wanting to fly it.....

    This museum is a real gem. Besides the P11c, they have some absolutely unique examples of WWI German aircrafts, which were transferred in 1943 from the Berlin Air Museum ... And many others, and you can get real close to them.

    Plus Krakow is also an absolute gem in itself. Been there four times now, and always love it.


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  2. 8 hours ago, [CAT]CplSlade said:

    So I found this, which seems to corroborate the French findings and some efforts by the Chinese. If I get sick I am willing to try it over waiting for Big Pharma to find a timely answer. We really don't have the time to wait for all the trials to determine the safety of the treatment considering all else that is going on.


    Only if I am dying, of course. Not going to drink it if I'm relatively symptom free.

    Just remember that in France this week, three people ( and there may be more) died because of self-medication of hydrxychloroquine. Other known side-effects are cecity. 

    Which brings some comments : 1) it’s plain stupidness to die because you are afraid a catching a disease which may prove begnin if you catch it, and 2) the last thing overburdened ICUs need is to get people entering and occupying badly-needed beds because they were stupid enough to self-medicate with a drug that needs more objective scientific validation.

    We have all seen too many Hollywood movies where a lone-man-against-the-rest-of-the-world-finds-in-a-fortnight-a-miracle-cure-with-absolutely-no-side-effects ...

    Let’s let the science people do their jobs as quickly as possible, so that they can give the politicians the right information to do the really strategic decisions. It seems so simple that one wonders why we do not see this in each and every country, instead of some self-promoting shows ...

    As for economic consequences, they are really really bad ( and I talk from personal experience). But the disruption of millions of deaths could be just as damaging. And if you want to have an objective look at history, all the major plagues of the past were driven by greed ... For instance the black-pest plague was triggered by Genoan merchants who did not want to loose the profit of selling silk-clothes arriving on a ship from the Middle-East, where the crew were dying of black-pest. Does it ring a bell with modern analogies ?


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  3. It’s yours my friend.

    All schemes are fairly boring, given the khaki prevalence at the time in the Polish Air Force.

    In fact there are only 3 « interesting » schemes for the P11 to my eye. The racing P11 that Marcin Matejko has scratchbuilt on LSP, the P11 interned in Hungary in 1940, and subsequently used as a trainer and tow for gliders, but both are « a » variants, with a higher engine thrust-line, a shorter fuselage and a different tail fin and rudder, or the 1934 Paris Airshow demonstrator, which I am going to do.


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  4. 28 minutes ago, krow113 said:


    but the mustang wing thread seals the fate of that forum , doomed to lock down.

    we re in the golden age of modelling , there will always be unsatisfaction , keep it over there

    We have the usual suspects on the loose there, as always.

    And yes, these are exciting times, and a reason why I started my « 2020 shopping list thread »


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  5. 44 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

    I think it's a conspiracy, they must be in league with the after market folks !

    Yes, if you want it absolutely right, you’ll have to buy two R-2800 engines. And I’m sure that you will soon have correctly-profiled cowlings on Shapeways. Given their shape, they are fairly easy to design.

    I can very well imagine the designer starting with 14-cylinders engine designs, finding the engines « floated » in the designed cowlings, and changing the shape of the cowlings to fit the engines more closely. Looks like a cascade of blunders even a Hollywood film-maker would not even think of dreaming off :lol: ...

    Anyway, as Rog pointed, take it and keep it, take it and change it, or avoid it. What’s done is done ...


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  6. 9 hours ago, [CAT]CplSlade said:

    I have it from a first-hand source that cat meat is stringy, tough, and very gamey.

    Yes, apparently like all pure carnivorous animals’ meat.

    I have a Maine Coon at home. I am trying to have her take some fat, especially as she is, like all of her breed, a BIG cat, but it’s all in the hairs. The other one on the hand is like me, with extra fat pillows for hibernation. And then there is the dog ...

    Take care everyone.


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  7. The sound advice is to always reject whatever comes out of the filter outside. Our houses are already full of VOC and dust particles. Unless you are 120 % sure the paint formula, and the thinner formula are completely - and I mean COMPLETELY - harmless, it’s just not worth taking the risk.

    Our benches and man-caves are already clogged with harmful chemicals or dust particles : if we have a way of expelling some, just jump on the opportunity.


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  8. 1 hour ago, DocRob said:

    Ernie, you make one of the few actual must buys, into a desperately needed one :D with your great work. Thanks for the wallet attack.

    Cheers Rob

    Sorry for your wallet, but on the other hand you will not regret it. This is a kit that can be built OOB with great results. Probably a better mojo restorer than, say, a Hasegawa P-47. Isn’t it Ernie ;) ?
    Mine is under way as well, and will be - almost OOB - as well. I say « almost » because I want mine finished as the Paris 1934 Airshow P11/IV prototype. So that entails adding wheel-spats, and going for a red-and-white livery.


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  9. I bought mine from Micro-Mark. It was made of hard PA66 (a plastic type) at the time. It works well, and I am happy with it.

    Nowadays, you get some in machined metal, which is better as you get sharper edges at the bending point.

    From Micro-Mark https://www.micromark.com/Etch-Buddy-Photo-Etch-Bending-Fixture

    And the top items, quality-wise, from RP Toolz. If you peruse their site, and are a tool-geek like me, you can easily spend a few kits’ worth on their site, but you won’t regret it.





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  10. There is no denying that the cover-up and lies of the local authorities, then the communication-control attempts by the central power of the PRC created a time-gap where other countries could have been warned and could have started action.

    On the other hand, it seems from studies in different countries that the virus had reached the Western world by the beginning of January. When the lock-down of Wuhan was decided on January 23rd, the virus was already circulating out of China. And not many, if any, Western governments took the signal that locking-down 60 million people was a very drastic measure that implied a very very serious threat. In fact some Western leaders are still trying to play down the seriousness of it to this day. The virus was already in their country and yet they were pretending the situation was under control and would disappear soon.

    There is a French saying that with "ifs", you can put Paris in a bottle.

    If the Chinese authorities had not wasted time lying and trying to hide the issue, maybe the outcome would have been different.

    But if the Western governments had acted sooner and more strongly, and some leaders not been in denial until only a few days ago, the crisis would not have reached its actual worldwide proportions. And, let's be fair, even the people did not take the issue that seriously until a few days ago. I do not act and react today as I did two or three weeks ago, and I am sure most of you are in the same league.

    So, in the causal chain of actions, responsibilities seem to be distributed evenly along the time-line, IMHO. At least, in Western democracies, we can expect the people to ask for accountabilities, and, hopefully, we can ultimately use our voting ballot to sanction incompetent or complacent leaders ...


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  11. 2 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    To be honest, I need to focus on bare survival . This whole situation affects small businesses to the point that I am extremely concerned about finances . No new models here, at least for now. Apologies for being so blunt, but that is the reality of many, at the moment.


    No need to apologise, Martin. This is the absolute truth. This is meant to be a light-hearted thread where we can share our desires and hopes, modelling-wise.

    As for being in survival mode, I understand very well what you mean. I have spent more time this week working on my business’ survival than I usually work when everything is doing fine. Part of the survival measures will be cutting my income to the minimum. All my modelling purchases were done before the crisis exploded. My other time-eater of the moment is the house I am having built. Until last week, I was getting very crossed at the idea of the works getting late and potentially impacting the delivery date. But now, I will welcome a three-months delay with relish ...


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  12. 3 hours ago, TJTX said:

    ... Past that, I'm planning on building not buying. 

    Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself all the time. But somehow these kits have developed an uncanny capability to sneak past the best resolutions. Such stealthiness is somewhat frightening sometimes :D.

    Thank God, Trumpeter’s TBD is not on this year’s release schedule (or is it :rolleyes: ?). That will leave something for the post-Covid-19 times :rofl:


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  13. 4 minutes ago, GazzaS said:

    Well...  I'm not usually a list maker.  I have lots of kits, but you never know when the impulse will strike:


    WNW Fokker Dr.I...  maybe two of them

    Eduard Bf 108

    Short list...  More of an impulse buyer, anyway.


    Gawd ... I’d forgotten about the Bf-108. If I can find a decent civilian scheme for it ... :hsmack:


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  14. Ok, as a (big) number of us have some extra modelling time nowadays, and also time for mulling/daydreaming, and as there are plenty of kits already released, or about to be released,  what would be on your « models-to-buy » list for this year ?

    Your list does not have to be :

    - aircrafts only,

    - 1/32 only,

    - new releases only (for instance I would expect a Tamiya Corsair on JohnB’s list ;) )

    - IM plastic only,

    - complete kits only, if you badly « need » AM stuff.

    I’ll bite first with my list (all aircrafts in 1/32 scale, ofcourse ;) )

    Trumpeter 1/200 Titanic (done)

    IBG PZL P11c (done and on the bench)

    Silver Wings DH-82 Tiger Moth (ordered - waiting for delivery)

    Lukgraph DH-89 Dragon Rapide 

    Dora Wings Dewoitine 500-510

    Daco Fouga Magister

    Fly Saab J-29


    Well, this is a long list already. Bad news is the income will be down with the Covid-19-induced economic slump, and thus slush funds for modelling. Good news is some releases will be delayed for the same reason.

    so, what’s yours ?


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