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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Well, ok. I am even weaker than that :o !

    After seeing some pics and reviews, that showed some, of which a major one, mistakes had been corrected, I finally could not resist and ordered a newly released kit. Good news is I can get the - unbuilt- paper version I had vertically filed. Bad news is it is going to take a lot more space in the stash than the paper kit...

    Let the guessing game begin until the (very) big box arrives and is posted in the « What did you just get » thread :D


    PS: another piece of good news is that the many books I have on the subject can at last be put to good use !

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  2. 8 hours ago, 1to1scale said:

    This is my most anticipated model this year, it’s only second by my #1, the Aichi Val.

    This, and the Silver Wings DH-82 Tiger Moth, and the Lukgraph DH-89 Dragon Rapide and, hopefully, the Fly Saab J-29, and ...

    Ok, I am weak :D


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  3. Just pre-ordered the Special Edition (with eXtra PE, Master gun barrels, and a resin pilot) from Plastmodel.pl :wub:

    When I checked out - on monday evening - they still had 3 Special Edition and 12 standard kits available ( which means they expect a number of boxes  to arrive soon)


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  4. They are Amazon's greatest competitor on a worldwide basis.

    I used them once for a paper model, and got my item. So positive in that sense. My wife who buys a lot of scrapbooking dies uses them sometimes, but prefers Wish's service. I wouldn't touch Wish personally, even with a six-feet pole. Conclusion, each one's mileage may vary. But, as far as AliExpress are concerned, they probably did not reach their dominant position without a good reason and a sound business model and customer service ...


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  5. 7 hours ago, 1to1scale said:

    The hard way is to airbrush a few clear colors on it, you can get clear colors from Tamiya and MRP to name a few, however, the easiest way is to us Tamiya weathering powders, they make one set that has metallic blue, red, and smoke, perfect for heat staining engines.


    Weathering Set D Burnt,Red,Oil



    2 hours ago, Sir Desmond Glazebrook said:

    Go to an art store and buy a complete set of pastel chalk. There are colour mixing guides online. You will save LOADS of cash. IMHO Modelling companies selling tiny grams of powder top dollar are ripping customers off. It is criminal.

    Pastel mixing guide.


    The question is : does this cost more or less than an eye make-up set ? This looks awfully like my wife's ...

    Most likely, women are even more ripped-off than modellers ;)


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  6. Magneto,

    Unlike many other modelling forums, the tone here is pretty much laid back and tolerant. And I have never seen any such thing as « bigotry » on LSM. 

    You are the one who has come with rash statements, complaining that a new kit is not torn to pieces and not described as the PoS you claim it is. You are the one that feels compelled to answer each one telling you in one way or another to adopt a different attitude by making further statements one the verge of derision and snickering. You are the one that makes multiple posts with each a link to the same unique thread ...

    I think you should think about your expectations relating to what a modelling forum should be:

    1) Not everyone, reviewers included, is an expert in every field and every modelled subject

    2) Box-opening reviews are what they are: they show what is inside. This alone, with good photographs, and decent text, requires some work from the author, that deserves some respect

    3) Receiving free kits for review is a common practice. It does not imply that the reviewer is corrupt or dishonest. There are some reviewers around here who are « attaboys » who will claim how great any kit is, just for the sake of keeping a steady flow of free kits - and the flow can be significant, sometimes many kits a week. But this is not what I have seen from James here.

    4) Many self-professed experts are just that: self-professed, but not necessarily with the real substance to back the claim. Finding out who is what is as difficult on forums as in real life.

    5) Modelling is a hobby: it is a source of relaxation and fun, mostly. You do not need to be a forum member to practice modelling and build kits. If you add being a forum member to you modelling time, it is to find additional pleasure in sharing and learning, in finding kindred spirits, in making friends with identical interests. Well, at least, this is what I am looking for.

    True, some just relish in finding another place to boast their ego, to catch a fight, to assert their dominance over the others, to find a surrogate way of expressing a power they don’t have in real life. When a modelling forum gets too many of those, it’s becoming hell for everyone, members flee if the trolls aren’t banned, and the said forum becomes yet another - virtual - fighting ring for a bunch of old frustrated boys ... 

    You can find both types of forums on the net. Just pick which one you prefer ...

    6) It is only when a kit is being built, and the experience shared, including the identification of errors and inaccuracies if the builder is knowledgeable and passionate enough to research the subject, that others get a real feeling of what they could expect from building - as opposed to owning - the kit. But then, even this can be misleading. I have seen too many « unbuildable » or « fatally flawed » statements made by some builders, which in the end were just a reflection of the ineptitude of the builder ...

    7) if it goes without saying, it is still better saying - and repeating - it : not everything you see on the net is true, whatever your inclinations and beliefs are ...

    So, I think you should take a step back, a deep breath, a glass of whatever your favorite brew is, and rethink about how your attitude could have come across to other members here on LSM. If you see nothing wrong or worth of criticism, fine with you, But, hopefully, the rest of LSM members will remain what they are: relaxed, friendly, laid back, and fun. Which is why they are here rather than on other forums. 
    Again, you can choose where and how you want to spend your time on a modelling forum.



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