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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Whatever one feels about what's going on there, (where the usual offendants have been and are still left with a free rein that lets them believe they can write anything), I feel it is a bit unfair to comment dismissively here of people who, for some, do not even belong to this place (and others did but have been thrown out). Let's be better than that. We can criticise behaviours,or attitudes, but this should stop before the "he is like this or that" comment, IMHO.

    Just my :2c:.


    PS: btw, back to this thread's original title, the cowlings of the painted A-26 in one of the pics do not look THAT bad ;)

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  2. 1 hour ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    Good news is I'm discharged from the hospital. 

    I just need to survive the drive home with Mr parents. Wish me luck.


    It would be really ironic and bad luck to survive a heart attack (even if « mild ») to get caught in a road accident on the way back from hospital :construction:.

     Fingers crossed for you Carl  ;)

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  3. 7 hours ago, MARU 5137 said:

    Hi Gus.... thank you.

    hope you guys are doing well and Ernie will soon be right as rain!



     I have been busy and have been travelling for 2 months in Italy and Sicily and Austria.. Climbing ETNA and  VESUVIUS  volcanoes  and highest glacier Glosslockner in Austria  all of  which was great.




    So it was YOU that triggered the last outburst of the Etna :lol: ! Now we know who to blame :popo: !


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  4. Had a bit of a shopping spree lately (nothing like Rog, though ;) ) ...

    First, inspired by Tony's racer, decided I wanted a Mustang nevertheless, to makeit into a racer. Chose the SWS Mustang IV kits, because a) it was cheaper than the Tamiya one in my favorite European shops, b) it's a nice kit, and c) it offers the choice of 3 canopies and 2 types of props, which make the options wider when making a racer out of it. Not decided yet on which racer, but I am leaning heavily on an early version of Voodoo using Draw Decals' sheet ...


    Then, when looking for the best (read cheapest) option for the Mustang kit, I stumbled on this one which I had been eying for some time, but but could not find ... Now I have it, the most produced aircraft from the prestigious PZL stable :wub:



    Then I had a few accessories to round up the order :

    A Rexx exhaust set for the OV-10, and one that will fit a Wright R-1820. The Rexx galvanically-grown parts are simply outstanding, but not that easy to find, unfortunately.


    Then a conversion part for those who want a Hunter F-6 and can find only a FGA-9/F-58 version from Revell, plus a brass undercarriage set for the Roden O-2 (for when I buy one to make a 337 out of it)



    And finally, and Artic Decals' sheet, to make my Silver Wings Hawker Hart even more unique ...


    I may not be spending that much time at the bench lately, but the projects are still coming in thick :D


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  5. 6 hours ago, DocRob said:

    I have only the  T-6 Texan in stash and the kit looks decent to me. The reception was, if I remember right, not too shabby, but I will find out soon while building her as a Portuguese FAP bird.

    In modelling, I don't know, but have you ever tried to get rid of #### Cortana and it's also #### Bing derivates on an actual Windows-PC? I can tell you Sir, my feelings tend to that state :censored:.

    Cheers Rob

    The T-6 is a minefield, second only to the B-24, in terms of variants. When I was considering doing a resin kit, before Glen Coleman told me it was on KH’s release list, I spent ages trying to sort out the variations between the various T-6 and Harvard’s marks... The KH kit is actually good for reproducing « Deb », the warbird featured on the box art. It is the one which was used by the KH team for their development. But, as many warbirds, it’s a mishmash of variants ...


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  6. First, welcome aboard Curly. It’s a nice place here, that stays friendly, unlike some other places ....

    For your Lanc diorama, I’d start by looking at Iconicair’s releases. It’s a sponsor here, and GrahamF, the man behind Iconicair, a member here as well.

    You should have a look at Fmeerk’s refueling truck conversion on this site. Another great inspiration.


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  7. Definitely one of their best efforts. Talk to Ernie, and he will tell you he cannot build enough of them. Some fiddly areas, but nothing as bad as some other releases by KH

    There is a lot of negativity about KH, some of it unwarranted, and reflecting prejudices more than facts, fed by some haters, some of them trolling regularly the pages of LSP. True, some of their kits were difficult to build and not too accurate (and to compound the issue, they released their worst 1/32 kit - the P-39 - which also happened to be the first they developed, after other releases, which left a lot of people feeling they were not making any progress). Their last releases (the Kingfisher, the T-28, the F-5E), although not perfect and sometimes fiddly, have displayed enormous progress.

    Back to the T-28: with your modelling skills, it should be a breeze for you. Definitely worth the purchase. And remember, although I reckon this may be a counter-productive argument for someone living a small flat ;) , a 1/32 kit has 3.4 times the "presence" of the same subject in 1/48.


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  8. You have just been going through a VERY difficult time lately, and that is an understatement. That this has an impact on your modelling mojo is quite understandable. But it will pass, as you slowly overcome the pain of the recent evnts.

    One way to speed it up is to do something cathartic. Cruising along with loud music is one way. Or, as you have the taste for it and the opportunity, what about getting the guns out and venting off the frustration and anger (there must be some, even if you do not perceive it) by scaring the living hell of a target board, or of some rattlesnake ?

    Or in modelling, do something without self-inflicted pressure. That does mean something you just want to build OOB, without worrying for detail or accuracy. So it's not an airplane, you don't want trucks and armor that remind you of the work. Is it the same for a car kit ? Last time I built a kit without any other pressure than assembling and painting it well, I did a motorbike that I gave to a friend when finished. He was elated, and it was a good kit: big enough details, "straight" painting without weathering, and I could not care less whether the kit was accurate or not to reproduce the 1:1 prototype ;) (I did not even look on the net for a picture of the said bike).

    Take care, my friend. We are with you.


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  9. 35 minutes ago, DocRob said:


    What is left of that time, is that I love to build paint and weather, but after finishing a kit, I loose interest in it, the deed is done.


    Cheers Rob  

     I am the same. You know that, until my current wife encouraged me to keep my latest builds, I was "vertically filing" a finished kit after about 3 months shelf life ?

    What I have now on the shelves is a meager 3 finished kits, and a WiP stalled for 8 years (a scratch built Aichi Hansa)


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  10. 34 minutes ago, Wumm said:

    Hubert! :huh:

    For mine it is the F; perhaps the most graceful, then the K as a representation of taking a concept beyond its logical end. 


    In fairness, although it does not do anything for me, I reckon the 109 is a remarkable design : put a big engine in the nimblest possible airframe, and keep up-to-date with engine developments and combat experience. If I had to choose, I’d agree with you on the « F ». (And when Tamiya release a G-6 in 1/32, as I forecasted on LSP some 6 years ago, I can very well imagine the riots in the model shops and on-line retailers ;) )


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