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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Aircrafts and ships.

    Aircrafts : 1/32 scale. Civilians, Golden Age, Flying boats and seaplanes, racers, first and second generation jets up to the Century series, record holders. I also love yellow wings, and interwar silver wings of the RAF. I might be tempted by a helo, if it also fits the bills of the other criteria (like scale - a BIG NO to 1/35 - or livery). No-gos include any aircraft sporting a Nazi Swastika.

    Ships : civilians, pre-dreadnoughts, sailing ships. 1/200 or bigger scale, depending on the subject. The choice includes paper models, for which there are some outstanding kits.




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  2. 2 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

    I also wanted to build a Lysander, so after a bit of research I went for this from Eduard. It’s a rebooting of something or other with additional AM. I haven’t built it yet but on inspection of the sprues, I reckon this will build up ok........


    The Eduard Lizzie is 1/48 ..., whereas the Revell/Matchbox is 1/32 ...


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  3. Oldie but goldie. It started life as a Matchbox kit. So you get waht you should expect from an old Matchbox kit: some surface details on the heavy side, sometimes marginal fit, and a level of detailing that could be better given the scale, size, and glass-house.

    It can be made, with TLC, into a great rendition. But do not expect a Tamiyesque build.


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  4. On 10/9/2019 at 4:22 PM, crazypoet said:

    HA! - I get that about you!  :D

    I kind of split the difference.  I love the short-run, finicky kits, but I also like to take a more mainstream kit and dress it up.

    I'm not quite to the point where I'm ready to take on a scratch conversion, but I'm quite happy to fiddle around and fine tune when needed.  I tend to go a bit cross-eyed when trying to verify panel and rivet details, and I've neither the eyesight nor the dexterity to get to the level of finesse I see displayed here on a regular basis... 

    But Ima keep tryin'!

    You could always imagine a « face-to-face » set-up à la Rocky vs Drago (that was Rocky V, wasn’t it ?) poster ...


    PS : oops, sorry, quoted the wrong post ;) 

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  5. So guys, all these discussions about 1:1 replicas, and ships, got me thinking ...

    I intend to build a 1/5 (let’s be reasonable and think about mooring fees :rolleyes:) replica of the most beautiful liner ever built, The Normandie :wub:. Of course, internal fittings will have to be adapted to make it usable ...

    As I have :

    1) a faint idea about ship-building linked to my ship-modelling experience

    2) no idea about real ship building requirements (well, some in fact, but I am too important to deal with such trivia)

    3) no competence in steel-welding

    4) not the first cent for this project

    I am counting on you all to do the work and money-supply for me...So, please (see, I am being nice) donate everything you can. And when it is finished, and I have all the pretty girls running after me, I will be the Ruler of the World !:admin:

    How is that for a project ? 

    Hubert :lol:

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  6. Besides the fun we may have in this thread, the fact is that a new member comes here, with an ambitious - if not totally lunatic - project, and has an abrasive if not outright insulting tone in most of his posts .... This is not linked to the poor command of English of this member, who has demonstrated his/her english was good enough, but to an arrogant behaviour expressed by someone with the interpersonal skills of Komodo dragon ...

    Why do we tolerate this attitude ? I am personally fed up with this thread and the tone of the posts of the original poster. It’s high time we send this member and his project to where they belong ...


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