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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. That’s it ! You inoculated the bug to me :raincloud: !

    Now I have ordered a P-51 kit, to turn it into a racer, with some Draw Decals on it. I have ordered the SWS Mustang IV.

    Why The Zoukei Mura kit? Because :

    1) it is cheaper in Europe than the Tamiya one. With my experiences of the Portuguese Post, I did not want to dare some more exotic countries of origin.

    2) this version has the 3 different canopies, and the two different propellers, so my choices remain open for which racer I will do ( although I am leaning strongly towards « Voodoo »)

    You will take all the blame. Plus I will also order the California Fire Dpt decals for my OV-10 A kit. Will you send me food vouchers when I am poor, because of your bad influence :lol: ?

    Keep the great work coming :thumbsup2: !


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  2. 2 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    The C-87 is a distinct possibility for me. But everyone I know, myself included, is waiting for the PB4J-2 conversion.  Everyone loves a Privateer.  Didn’t the French fly Privateers?

    Indeed they did. But you know me. Boooooring camoed aircraft, roundels (even if these ones had "hooks" on them ;) ) : not my cup-o'-tea ...

    The one below on the other hand :rolleyes: (pic posted under Fair Use conditions)





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  3. 17 hours ago, Artful69 said:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: ... Now isn't that funny ...

    The three main things I notice most about the B-24 (in no particular order) are: The huge twin paddle tail, the clunky roller-doors in the bomb bay and the really odd mis-happen turrets that look like they were just shoved on as an afterthought. Like: "oh crap, we better give these poor bastards some sort of protection ... here you go mate ... good luck!" ... :rofl:

    I had never even known what a Davis airfoil looked like ... until a bunch of you more astute individuals pointed it out! ... I might give Iain's "airfoil remedy" a crack if he gets to releasing a template to work off. But in the end I'm not sure I'll be all that concerned. Some people were concerned about the half-assed looking engines ... but while they really do look dodgy on the sprue ... looking at the cowl - I'm not going to see much at all through there so - meh! For those madly desperate for a maintenance and repair dio' I'm sure Eduard or someone will launch the appropriate Brassin cowl and engine gear. The frosted turrets worried me until I saw one polished out - even the seam doesn't look THAT bad on one fixed and assembled ... If I can find some clear drying stuff to stick 'em together (I think my normal plastic glue dries opaque?!) I should be set! ...

    I do know what you mean though ... about issues with a kit really bugging you ... I'm not a complete accuracy basket case ... but I do tend to notice some wildly off shape issues ... like, forgetting "nose-gate" on the HKM B-17 ... it just looks a bit chubby to me, you know? ... like it's developed a taste for a drive through diet. The Hobby-Boss Mk.V Spitfire looked very misshapen (although my HpH correction set should go a long way to fixing that one up) ... The Trumpeter F-thru-K Bf.109's look a bit too pointy, yet assembled and painted they turn out quite nice (and are pleasant to build, with no real vices in the engineering or fit department) ... Yet for whatever reason I can shrug off the Bf.109E's mistakes more easily. The more recent Revell Mk.II Spitfire had accuracy issues over the place ... but it was mainly the chunky look about it that disappointed me most. Still I haven't built one yet - so I may change my mind at a later date! ... I Still haven't got the Barracuda correction works for it either.

    Rog :)


    You can always convert the newly released D into a C-87 ... no turret-seams issues, and as a bonus, you can even develop new, correct-diameter, cowlings for an early C-87. 

    You’re « just » left with getting the Davis wing right ;) ...


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  4. Very happy with Smugmug, even though I am not using all the functionalities my paying formula entitles me too.

    After the PB debacle, I swore never to believe anymore the claims of « free » image-hosting. There is no such thing as a free lunch, as they say ...

    And, btw, Flickr and SmugMug are now the same company, the latter having bought the former. Which may be another proof that a sound business model with paying - as opposed to « free » - services lasts longer and is more successfull.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Clunkmeister said:

    No Pontos set, hubert, which surprised me alot. There's some 3D printed stuff out there and plenty of PE, Brass and resin, so we might have a shot at it. Artwox out of Russia makes a decent wood deck that's sold locally as well.

    I was sure I had seen a detail set, but when I checked, after my post, I found out Pontos did not have a set, nor did Ka-Models ...

    On the other hand, Shapeways seem full of detail sets for ship kits, including this one ;)


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  6. One of the good things about LSM is the fact that you can upload directly your photos to the site.

    However, some, like me still rely on hot-linking from a photo-hosting site. I moved (and how glad and happy I am for doing it) from Photobucket to Sugmug at the time of « The Great Photobucket Scam », some 2 1/2 years ago, when they tried to extort USD 400 per year for continuing to host and and hot-link their users’ pics. 

    I certainly was not the only one doing so, and their business seemed hurt enough that they removed the CEO responsible for this debacle from office - served him right - and then allowed a return of the hot-linking, albeit with a - very often VERY obnoxious - big watermark ...

    And now, I noticed in the last two days they are again stabbing their users / customers in the back : hot-linked pics appear blurry, with just the watermark clear and sharp :wallbash:. You need to click on the pic to access a clear, in-focus picture.

    In short they have done it again : betray their users. Maybe one day, this will become case lesson in how to run a business in the wall ...


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  7. 8 hours ago, GusMac said:

    Mr Levelling thinner also works well with Mig Jiminez's Ammo paints and speeds up drying slightly compared to the proprietary Ammo thinner.

    In my experience Vallejo just doesn't airbrush well with anything but that's just me. Great for brush painting but I leave it at that.

    In fairness, I swore never to use the Vallejo black primer again after this experience (and the frustration of having to dig deep, looking for a basic information like what thinner to use with it).

    The reason I kept it was to remember not to use it, or not to buy it again :) ...


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  8. 7 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Thanks. Tony and I talked a lot today, and quite honestly, both of us are getting more and more interested in civilian applications of military aircraft such as SAR birds, fire bombers, racers, etc. 


    Hear, Hear !

    Yes, we need more civvies and utilities, and less bombs and guns ;)


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  9. 2 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Absolutely!  Mr Leveling Thinner is a magic elixir. 


    2 hours ago, Bill_S said:

    It works very well with Tamiya acrylics too!


    Agree that it is a « miracle product » in most instances (like Tamiya X-22 clear, for another purpose).

    Be aware though that, mixed with Vallejo acrylic black primer, it turned the mix into a gooey mess within minutes, in the airbrush cup, and around the airbrush nozzle and needle. It took me almost a day, and strong stuff like pure acetone, to clean and recover the airbrush, with a very narrow escape from the « vertical filer » for the AB.

    ONLY WATER will work to thin this Vallejo primer (but it’s not mentioned on the bottle, and only a long internet search produced this information :wallbash:)


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  10. Spam is in the same league as Marmite : awful, unedible stuff, the taste of which can only be acquired by people who have also been educated in British boys’ boarding schools :) 

    And this definitive judgment is from a man with impeccable food tastes, which include eating frog legs, snails, living oysters, andouillette (a typical French sausage made of pork tripes), sweetbreads, tête de veau (literally veal-head), pig trotters, and steak tartare ;)


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  11. Fantastic work (as always), Peter.

    However, can I raise a question ? The photo below leaves me with a strange feeling of a humpback impression ( in my circled area), not quite in line with the smooth flowing lines of the original. It may just be a parallax issue, or the eye being fooled by the change of alignment of the rivet lines, but the impression is bugging me ... 



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  12. 18 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

     And this from a guy who'd buy anything, as long as it's huge and awesome.

    Hushhhhh ... don’t tell anyone else, but I have seen on Scalemates today that the Japanese guy behind « ONE MAN Models » has upscaled his 1/72 SaRo Princess to 1/48... Now, this is talking « huge and awesome » :)


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  13. The Wright engines are no big deal. There is a representation by Vector, which has only a "small" glitch, in that the crankcase has an uneven distribution of the cylinders, to make room for an inaccurate representation of the oil crankcase ... But I have designed an accurate center crankcase for the R-1820, and can 3D-print it. Ditto for the cowlings, which I would need to design, but that is an easy shape compared to a finned cylinder for a radial engine ;) ...

    I could probably design and print internal seats for a civilian conversion as well - and then think about the waste of time and energy a civilian which hides the internal ribbing means for the HPH kit ...

    Just remains to find the "right" price. I have not had that chance so far ...


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  14. 11 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Smitty, as excited as I am that HPH is looking at more big kits, I can say that for me at least, it's a bridge too far.  And this from a guy who'd buy anything, as long as it's huge and awesome.  I appreciate the big BUFF, but not enough to shell out 1300 Euros for one. Plus having to display a model with a 6ft wingspread would be the true definition of insanity.

    I heard by the wayside that the C-47 is not selling well for HPH and they consider it a commercial failure, which really surprises me, as I have personally bought more than enough copies of that kit to do me for 100 years.  The noise and rejoicing surrounding the announcement of that kit brought was absolutely deafening, and I would have expected that they'd easily sell 350 copies in a couple months. So I'm shocked by their admission, and have a much greater appreciation of why a kitmaker is cautious and tends to discount the hollerings of folks like us when deciding what to produce. In other words, we now have a concrete example of why we keep getting 109s.   I theose who committed online to buying a C-47 actually followed through, they'd have sold an easy 500 copies by now.

    I was (and still am) one of the guys jumping around at the idea of a 1/32 DC-3 ...

    But, in all my posts about this kit, here or on LSP, I always wrote two conditions :

    1) I wanted a DC-3, not a C-47 ... I know the difference was sometimes small (to summarise, mainly the cargo door and the extreme rear end without the glider hook) and that most post-WWII civilian DC-3s were in fact ex-C 47s, but, still, I was disappointed to see the kit only offered the option for boring olive drab military versions ...

    2) Above all, I expected a price point in the range of the former Catalina. i.e. 600 €, VAT included for us Europeans. I braced myself for this cash-out. But, at something like 750 € with VAT, it was just 20% above my expectations, and psychologically priced-out for me ...

    I know the internet has extended beyond dreams the capacity to sell items even in small quantities, but a business can still price itself into a teeny weeny niche ... HPH did it for me with the C-47 kit :(

    As for the Buff, if you want one in large scale, you can find one for less than 50 € as a paper model (as well as a Tu-95). A lot of work, but then HPH kits are not shake-and-bake either ...

    And finally, I’d greedily jump on a B-58 (even though I already have the paper kit) IF the price point was right, i.e. significantly less than the C-47 ...


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  15. On 9/2/2019 at 9:33 PM, Clunkmeister said:

    Well, I expect I’ll build every single kit I own. Based on my current rate of production, I should be done right around my Birthday, in 2189.

    So yes, I think, barring immortality here on Earth, I’d say it’s wishful thinking. 

    Well that’s assuming you don’t buy any new kit until 2189 ... 

    And, at my current building pace, my stash will still be here when they launch Picard’s new Enterprise ... :rolleyes:


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  16. 9 hours ago, smitty44 said:

    Me thinks WNW made theirs public earlier than they had planned to hopefully get folks to hold off buying one until theirs is released.

    Agree with you there ... Just like with the Lancaster. Only this one is even less advanced as a project, judging by the pics which seem very early stage.

    They appear to be leveraging their brand franchise to undercut competition’s projects. A departure (and far less gentlemanly, IMHO, I might add) from the early days when they would not do kits because « there were already competition doing it » ... 


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