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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Although WnW’s tight-fitting tolerances certainly contribute to the strength of the kit, I would have thought that taut monofilament would be a determining factor to making the whole finished bird stronger. Of course that means losing the accuracy of the flat RAF wire, but we are in a trade-off dilemna with these ...

    Btw, I have found some flat monofilament, but it is not small enough for the DH-2 rigging. It would look just about right for the Swordfish, though ...


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  2. After fastidious checking that HPH got the nose right (which, just based on pics, I also thought was true, after initial doubts - but HPH may have revised their draft - ), it is quite funny to see you contemplating cutting that very same nose out ;)

    Just my :2c:, of course ... :rolleyes:


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  3. At last some civvy :thumbsup2: !

    This is where the old Gooney really got his legendary wings, IMHO (not trying to minimise its merits during WWII, or in Vietnam, mind you, but my inclinations are definitely not on the warry side)...

    Bring more :popcorn:


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  4. If we are talking about bench « add-ons », here are my three home cats, on an ordinary morning at home (around 6:00 AM) :)

    The grey one on the left loves sniffing around my bench, and tasting the resin bits like a Fisher cockpit or a carefully-built frame structure for my on-going Gee-Bees’ builds. So I try to discourage his modelling interests. 

    Both he and the Maine Coon princess on the right also love jumping on the shelves with all the paint pots. Getting them to jump down without creating havoc among all these chemicals is a regular challenge :o



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  5. You are in the Wingnut Wings "Ready for inspection" sub-forum of the LSM finished work.

    I am the first to admit this is a bit confusing, but it was, I believe, a decision at the time to have a special focus area on WnW WWI kits. Probably not necessary anymore now, as they have become "mainstream" for a lot of modelers.

    As for moving your thread, this is admin privilege, so you should ask the staff.



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  6. 11 hours ago, Kais said:

    I think something broke in my head!!!


    Thank you for the compliment guys ... But then one wonders why, with the setup I came up with after years of experience, thinking and the help of HobbyZone, this does not make me more productive :wtf:



    PS: I wanted to also quote Jeff's and Phil's (Bomber-County) comments, but apparently, I am not proficient at "multi-quoting" :wallbash:. Sorry to both.

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  7. I was about to write "dust" to literally answer the question in the thread's title, but then I thought better and decided I would have my friend Ernie cringe a bit ... . So I took the portable vacuum-cleaner and did a bit of dusting ... :D

    It does mean though that there is not much going on on my bench right now :(. Here is to instant karma retribution for those who laugh at their less-orderly siblings ... :popo:






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  8. Another piece of advice with the supplied magnets. Be careful to always have them in the same polarity, and also, they are a bit tough to get into the holes (HZ want really some friction to hold the magnets in place). My solution was to start tapping the magnet in the hole with a brass hammer, then finish pushing it into place by clamping the board with magnet in a vice.


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  9. I invested about half of a HPH DC-3, or a full HK Lancaster kit, in my Hobby Zone setup. Worth every penny compared to growing the stash further. :rolleyes:

    You need to get both paintrack sizes, plus the bottle racks. I also found out that the units with the large flat drawers are very useful, especially if you leave out the divisions made for them, probably more so than the ones with the smaller drawers ... Be aware that the tool holders (with holes) have two sizes of holes, one of which is ok for fine brushes and needle files, but generally too small for an X-Acto type round handle, so most of the holes end up unused ...

    If, like me, you are a tool freak and get plenty of small items or tools  « which might prove useful one day » (:D), then the HZ modules are definitely a big boost to get really organised. Plus you will recover a part of the cost by SEEING and finding what you have, and not buying a duplicate, or triplicate (ask me how I know)

    In short, highly recommended, my friend.


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  10. 2 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:



    What is this horrible contraption above the wings :wtf: ?

    I know the C-47s still serving are utility work-horses, and that re-engining the old bird is sometimes absolutely necessary ... But THIS makes interwar French designs or Blackburns look like beauty queens :help:


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