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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 12 minutes ago, Wumm said:

    I realise this Gaz...

    After my Partner's suicide 5 years ago, I've spent $20 thousand of my own money finalising her Estate and making repairs to the house she left to our Daughters. 

    I don't begrudge his family a cent they made from selling these kits. My main objection was to the 30 to 40% skimmed off the top in Auction fees, postage and GST. There would have been individuals either from this Site or the other one he frequented who I'm sure would have seen to his wishes had he only asked, or had his Family do so. Of secondary concern to me was the sheer waste of amassing so many kits when by his own admission, Dale could have died any given day.

    If I've taken anything else from Dale's demise, it's to lead a more simple life and just have less 'stuff'... This was also reinforced by the amount of crap I had to wade through to renovate a house formerly inhabited by hoarders.


    I'm guessing his family had no idea who to trust other than an auctioneer.  I don't know if Dale nominated a friend to take care of his models for his family.  It's something we all should do.  I'm 55 but haven't done it, yet.  I have club members who are friends....   but I don't really have a close friend who I feel I could give the burden.  We've mentioned it at club meetings...   but I haven't taken anyone's details to leave to my family.

    • Like 3
  2. 17 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Nice choice Gaz, I was thinking about buying one more than once. With the kits which IBG and ICM, maybe Roden offered in the last time, there maybe is a chance of a LS-version. If it would be the better choice, I don't know, as the Gaspatch kit looks muy bueno.

    Cheers Rob


       it would be sweet if ICM offered one.  Certainly more interesting than a Falco.  ICM are quite bold when it comes to molding fine shapes.  But they aren't much for other niceties such as PE.   Even if Roden did make one, I doubt it would be of this quality.  They've showed us with the recent SPAD release that they have no interest in improving their product.

    • Like 2
  3. On 9/28/2021 at 7:40 AM, Wumm said:

    I declined to take part in this enterprise...

    I know that as Modellers, we often acquire kits that we'd like to build at a later date, sometimes to the extent that we end up with more than we'd ever complete over the span of a long life. But here was a Man who had 387 unstarted model kits, aside from those he was already working on, and knew that he was likely to literally die the next day.

    Dale was generous to a fault. He gave freely of his time, his knowledge and experience, and his possessions. To turn his hobby into a money-making exercise is the antithesis of how he lived his life, and doesn't sit well with me.



    Well...  if it makes you feel better, a basic funeral is like 10,000 dollars.  I know because my wife had to add ten grand to our mortgage using the redraw facility when her younger brother passed away.  It's a big cost to bear especially if it isn't shared around.

  4. Hi everybody!

         When I came back to modelling a few years ago, the Henschel Hs 123 was high on my list of planes I would some day like to build.  At the time however, the only kit was by Italeri.  So, the moment I saw this one being advertised via a WIP at Aeroscale, I ordered one forthwith.


    Since receiving it, I've developed a preference for larger scale kits.  But I knew I'd never see one in 1/32.  So I've had it in the back of my mind for some time. 

    It comes with some nice features.  The best way I can describe it as 1/48 meets WNW meets WWII.  Here are some shots from the instruction booklet,








    Lots of options.  Lots of parts.  Lots of detail.  Heh...  It even has tie-owns under the wings so that it can be tied down to a base just as it was tied down to a windswept airfield.  And, helpfully...  a cardboard jig to help you get the wheels aligned properly.

    I did a little bit saturday.  And today I worked with some photoetch.



    Happy modelling!

    • Like 6
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  5. 22 minutes ago, Wumm said:

    They seem exquisitely detailed Gaz...

    I was going to get the Galland version a while ago, mainly for the Spaniel to add to a planned JG1 Bf109 kit, but $50 seemed a lot for the asking. 


    Yes, they are awesome...   but pricing them so high just ruins a lot of their appeal.

    • Like 2
  6. Today I spent a lot of time on weathering with enamels and chipping with acrylics.  Not sure if it looks realistic...   but it doesn't look too clean.



    Weathering with enamels is quicker than oils...   but it doesn't allow you to spread them as far, or blend them in as much...   which helps make it look dirty...  if ya know what I mean.



    I left the gun sight green.  I figured there's really no reason to repaint it...  and it gave me another opportunity to provide contrast.

    For scale purposes I've included a failed figure...   one I tried to do with acrylics only.


    You can see it's a cramped space for five guys to share.


    I have a little puttying to do...  but not much.


    And not that I see the full layout of the thing, I can see that the ammo was passed up from below for the loader to shove into the breech.  He didn't actually have to remove it from the ammo containers.


    I have a lot of little details to add to the exterior...   and still the lion's share of the photoetch as well.


    Happy modelling!


    • Like 7
  7. 14 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    The details of the cannon and the shield are very crisp. Great kit!

    And you‘re right: The periscope look brown to me too. 


    4 hours ago, DocRob said:

    This seems to  be a nicely detailed kit and your fine work does it justice. I'm like you not very comfortable of painting and weathering in confined spaces, but had to learn it on my last two build. With a bit of pre planning some of the problem areas mostly are sorted out easily, the res,...

    Cheers Rob


    56 minutes ago, Bomber_County said:

    Gaz, looking amazing, ironically the Dragon Marder III H was my first AFV back after the dark period………..I’m going have a look at this range……

    Thank you, Fellas!

    • Like 4
  8. Had a club meeting yesterday.  I won the raffle but called for a re-draw to give someone else a chance.  Luckier still was finding these two kits (on my very short list of must-haves) for less than half price that a fellow club member was getting rid of.





    Dicker Max at least gives us some color and weathering options.

    • Like 8
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    Thank you for the kind comments, fellas.  Throughout the week, I've been slowly putting together sub-structures of the gun and gun shield to get to a point before I can paint, weather, and assemble...   cuz I sure won't get a paintbrush in there once done.

    This kit is on a whole other level for me.  I haven't built much stuff with open gun shields.  The last one I did was the Dragon Marder IIIH.  And it was my first armor build after 30+ years without.  Needless to say, it didn't go as well as I hope this one does.


    Two pieces of clear optics for 4 spaces.  I'm assuming that they were only issued two and were expected to move them as required.



    The interiors of the three main parts of the shield.



    The gun and shield held together either by friction or blutack.





    I think that whoever made the directions assumed you could build all of this in one session.  The problem is that you have some very spindly parts without clear and definitive ways of assuring alignment unless it's all put together while the glue joints are all still soft.  Which is all well and good if you're the type who can weather all of that in confined space.  But I'm not.  These two parts highlighted by the red arrows have no way of being aligned if the gun carriage and full shield isn't in place.



    Here, you can see it after pulling apart.  Once I attach the shields, hopefully all of these braces slip into place easily.



    Once I put in the crew...  I have no idea how much will be seen.  But at least I hope the pre-completion pics look cool.



    I was wondering about the possible color for the periscopes.  I'm guessing these are black, but made to look brown by the yellow background.





    Thanks for looking!

    • Like 6
  10. Peter,

        It's always refreshing to look at your cockpit work when you're enjoying yourself.   I don;t have many Tamiya kits.  Those I have built have been nice experiences.  I wish their LSP range was bigger.  As cool as the Stang, Corsair, and Zero are...  they aren't aircraft that interest me much.  Their armor kits are great...   but they leave out a few details on occasion that kill a kit for me. 

    • Like 5
  11. No matter the cost...   I just can't imagine finding a place to put the beast.   A while back, I was building the Monogram 1/48 B-29.  I was going to hang it on the wall inside a deep...   heh...  like 1-foot deep frame.  Alas, it was a project never finished as some part of my skillset could not meet my expectations.

    I even assembled it on a special stand I made over a cruciform base.  Just like she said:  "you too beaucoup, GI".

    • Like 3
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