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Everything posted by Geoffurs

  1. Great review, thanks Nick. Having built the Eduard 1:48 scale kit I have come to really admire this aeroplane that was way ahead of its time. A beautiful synthesis of form and function. Would love to see a 1:32 release. Geoff
  2. Something with a natural metal finish - Hobbyboss F84 Thunderjet maybe? Geoff
  3. Nice one Joe - thanks for the heads up on the exhausts. Unlike Tamiya not to have something like that more robust. Looking forward to seeing more pics. Geoff
  4. Great finish! Nice groundwork also. A very smooth build I assume? Cheers, Geoff
  5. Great presentation thank you Peter - Eduard should be very worried! ;-) Geoff
  6. Cheers for that Harv - I will check out the gun shop next time I'm in town. Looking forward to seeing he finished aircraft - hope your w/e goes as planned. Geoff
  7. Hi Harv, very nice indeed. I was interested in the blueing you applied to the master brass barrels. Hadn't heard of that before and it looks great - seems better than primer/paint/drybrush. Is it the same stuff that I remember from school metalwork lessons in the 70s?! Hoping your Mojo has returned, best wishes, Geoff
  8. Hi Rog, I have been looking for alternative schemes for my Arado too. Not what you need I realise, but the Kagero package looks good and the only others I found were two sets by Kora for aircraft of the Bulgarian Eagles and Romanian service. These were on the expensive side though http://www.hannants.co.uk/product/KORD3211 all the best, Geoff
  9. You're very welcome! Geoff
  10. Hello again and thanks for the reply, I believe 26.527 is slightly different as Vallejo describe it as a 'hybrid' acrylic/polyurethane resin. The 70.520 is 100% acrylic - and I found it didn't spray as smoothly (although that might have been because my bottle had been opened quite a while). I dilute all my Vallejo's with their own-brand thinner mixed with a drop of Winsor and Newton acrylic flow-improver. However distilled water works fine. I recently got some Alclad Klear Kote semi-matt (Alc-312) to try out on my next NMF project (HobbyBoss F-84G Thunderjet) - will let you know how it goes! Looking forward to seeing your P51-D, best regards, Geoff
  11. Very many thanks to everyone for your responses. It's pretty clear Trumpeter is the way to go for the Me262 - hopefully I'll get hold of an A-2a and a Barracuda wheel set. This feedback has really got my modelling juices fizzing for a project I have been looking forward to since getting back into modelling! Thanks again, Geoff
  12. Superb stuff! Isn't this machine a proto-plywood space shuttle? I have a Dragon Natter (scale unmentionable) but intend to finish it in what I believe to be the prototype colours of red/yellow chevrons. Couldn't hope for the woodgrain you have there - awesome! Geoff
  13. Hi, I've used Alclad Aqua Gloss and was a bit disappointed at how it took something away from the metal-look of the underlying Alclad lacquers. My current favourite is Vallejo acrylic polyurethane matte (26.527) which always loses decal carrier film and sprays really nicely. Hope this helps, all the best, Geoff
  14. Hello from a new member! It's great to be part of such a vast network of modelling knowledge and enthusiasm. I would greatly appreciate any advice on which Me262 kit to go for. My research so far indicates a choice between Hasegawa and Trumpeter. As a newcomer on a budget I'm looking for a straightforward build with limited 'bling' required! Thanks in advance, Geoff
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