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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. I am so on board watching this. this is going to be a classic!
  2. that's great Dave. warms my heart you can benefit from my skill-sets as I have sponged a great deal from you. i do recommend you at least wait until I wrap up at least one of these birds for final evaluation.
  3. thanks Vivian, they may not be done at same time. however, the possibility does exist in a remote kind of way.
  4. they way I see it. If Tamiya drops an F4U this fall the Jug seems to be the next in line (R2800). Besides, they already have the CAD data for their really good fitting 1:48 Jug, Sure, there will be major revisions but at least it's a start point. They way 1:32 is taking off in the marketplace, it seems like good decision making.
  5. Your Trumpy adventures scared the hell out of me! I am seriously considering listing my Trumpy Jugs and balance of my Hag Jugs on eBay. I predict a TamyJug in less than 2 years! Masking Question: Did the Eduard wheel masks work on the Cuda Jug wheels?
  6. 2 HAPPY CAMPERS I just might get some work done by end of weekend....
  7. and the fun continues ENGINE MOUNTS During test fit a glaring issue was the poor fit of the cowling. Basically it is the complete engine/cowling fitting on the fuselage mount. off by about 1mm THE DOCTOR IS IN carefully removing the engine mount after fuselage is glued and cured, the one piece canopy (I'm using the two piece option for both final builds) is very handy to protect the pit during surgery... using 1.6mm styrene angle 3 pieces are cut and glued, port and starboard sides are easy to position however, the critical bottom piece is dropped 1mm. initial test fit (with complete engine parts) shows an acceptable fit... a final test fit of engine mount then... add a .05mm styrene card placed to recapture space lost from the "saw off" and give the repositioned engine mount some glue area... engine mount positioned and glued... styrene card shows "saw off" recovery... and the final fit is good... finish and repeat on 2nd Jug....
  8. for you Nick! just ask.
  9. boy, that so reminds me of my days of Control Line Combat and building (rebuilding) my planes. Albeit, these are to scale vs giant wing with 1/4 thick fuselage.
  10. nice, thanks for sharing.
  11. thanks Dave...working with PE is such a love/hate kinda thing. I am convinced taking drafting classes in high school (think sheet metal drawings) has helped me considerably working and bending PE. I had aspirations to be an Industrial Arts teacher thanks Mike!
  12. thanks Harv. I think your eyes are still spinning from your awesome work on the P38M... thanks KoJo!
  13. FIXING HIDEOUS Replacing the really thick hideous gunsight.. cut from 0.13mm clear styrene, scored then folded... color me happy. paint crash pad and all done...
  14. PITS DONE (well almost) The Russian Jug pit will get the full Eduard PE treatment with the HGW Textile belts being swapped out for the PE belts. "Slick Chick" will benefit with the PE belts. left pit is the Russian Jug, all Eduard PE with exception of the HGW belts. "Slick Chick" pit is out of box with Eduard PE belts added and detail picked out with Vallejo paints. The IP decal required about 6 coats of Mr. Mark Softer to get settled nicely. Some dry brushing with flat silver followed by a thinned wash of brown with touch of black applied globally then dials were all hit with a drop Vallejo's Still Water... Gunsight glass on "Slick Chick" (left) will be replaced with clear sheet styrene... Pits test fitted. The Russian Jug may have the right belt draped over pit edge, not sure yet. That hideous thick gunsight is gone...
  15. oh! for sure Doogs is watching between feeding and changes. thanks KoJo thanks Jamme! thought about that, will just lower the cowl/engine mount about 1mm. thanks Vivian, for sure on the Tamiya 1:48. I feel it's juts a matter of time for Tamiya to roll out a 1:32 Jug. will be posting how I lower the cowl/engine mount soon. it's not a bad kit with exception of the cowl/engine fit. thanks Martin. always nice leaving a special mark on a pair of Jugs.
  16. BOMBS AWAY Taking the kit supplied bombs and giving them the Eduard PE Treatment. These will be mounted on "Slick Chick", will also mount bazookas borrowed from my Trumpy P47N. 500lb GP bomb. Left - out of box kit bomb. Right - PE (brass) fins and front/rear fuse added, also painted with Mr Surfacer 500 then stippled with short brush for texture... Fuse detail. Left - brass PE fuse added, Right - bomb is kit Out Of Box... Rear view with new fins and fuse, the fin is one piece folded over a dozen times... Detail is much improved... Textured surface (left bomb) will show up better when painted...
  17. Hasegawa's P47 can be picked up anywhere between $60 and $80. Scale Hobbyist Hasegawa P-47 (new tooling) is a nice kit and just over $70 with shipping. Fit is good, engraved lines good and the pit is detailed enough without aftermarket. However the cowling construction is a pain and alignment is off. This kit also has the dorsal rake as option. Am currently doing a double build with HAG Jugs see my posts: Jug Double Build
  18. pics posted...my bad...changed Album name...oops!
  19. Hasegawa's 1:32 P47D Jug for this double build. Russian 255 IAP, Northern Fleet and "Slick Chick" 368FG/395FS. The Russian Jug will get the PE treatment/wheels/blast tubes while Slick Chick will be OOB with exception of belts/wheels/blast tubes. Aftermarket items include: Eduard Big Ed for the Russian Jug HGW Belts for Russian Jug Eduard Belts for Slick Chick Barracuda Wheel set for both Jugs Hasegawa brass Blast Tubes for both Jugs AML decals for Russian Jug Kits World decals for Slick Chick TEST FIT General fit seems pretty good with no issues projected on seams, wing roots...however about 1mm difference between lower cowling and fuselage. i have a plan... IN THE PITS Eduard PE for the Russian Jug pit... A nice comparison of the Eduard PE enhanced cockpit on left with HGW textile seatbelts for the Russian Jug and Out Of Box construction of cockpit for Slick Chick with only enhancement being the PE seatbelts, will give the pits and belts a drk brown/black wash... Ready for some assembly line painting. Wheel wells, cowlings and PW-R2800 being cleaned and prepped for painting...
  20. the B17 is so tempting. I'd have to sell some stash for this kit and where/how in the heck would this monster be displayed? when i get the hankering for a 17 I might just go 1:48.
  21. a great question and very well answered Jim. a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. your pit is just beautiful! I am ordering ZM's 219 and my plans are to build it splayed open. I will also pick up the Revell 219 and build a buttoned up version and I might cave for some aftermarket goodies for this one such as Eduard's IP then some weighted wheels and compressed landing gear.
  22. very nice Vivian! this build is going to be a beauty. one of my TamyStangs is calling out to me...... nice job taking care of the "rear radar" protection. why is starboard stabilizer "black"?
  23. That's what I love about the Tamiya 1:32 kits. If it does not fit you missed an assembly step. Learned that the hard way with my A6M2.
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