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  1. Sorry, I don’t know where I downloaded it from. I have thousands of references pics. I’ll see if I can find out.
  2. Can anyone explain why these wheel wells are closed off?
  3. Peter, I couldn't agree with you more. People complain about every little short coming a kit has without realizing much work and money it takes to get it to market. We should be grateful for everything we get and if we want more detail that's up to us to make. That's what this hobby is about. Robert
  4. Are you sure that opening up the framework is correct? There are references online that show it closed.
  5. Hi Nige, The kit trim wheel is too lager but the difference isn't that much. My calculation is that the scale diameter is approximately 7.8mm. The number of bumps around the edge (20) is correct on the kit wheel. Robert
  6. Hi Nige, Can I post my digital model progress here? Robert
  7. Hi James, It looks like you’re not including any side blisters on either side of the canopy. Why not? The period photos show S-Sugar with them. Robert
  8. That’s sad because the Lanc means so much more to Brits than it does to Yanks...... l’m an outlier.
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