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Landlubber Mike

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About Landlubber Mike

  • Birthday August 17

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    Washington, D.C. area

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  1. Hang in there Rob - it's looking spectacular! Take a look at VMS products. They offer a number of CA products, some I believe are designed not to fog.
  2. Looking good Kevin - love the colors! Turning out very nice!
  3. Wow Rob, the details on this kit are incredible. Am really loving the finish. This is turning out to be quite the stunner, incredible job!
  4. Looking really good Chris! The paints you used ended up complementing each other very nicely.
  5. Looking really good Kevin! Not sure what to tell you on the Future as I usually use Mr. Super clear.
  6. Nice work Chris! The panel liner really did its job!
  7. I'm just catching up with your log after a long weekend away. My heart sank when I saw your earlier post, but am glad you figured out a solution! Looks great! So where was that gunk from? The Zero clear? After using Zero paints on a couple of inexpensive Gunze Triumph builds where it crazed the plastic, I'm not sure I want to go down the road of using their products. I had a little better luck with their paints the second time around on my Morgan 3-wheeler, but the clear was a little tricky. Likely user error on my part, but I noticed that it tends to almost get what looks like oil residue spots - at least it seemed that way before putting it in a display case. It might just be it's very prone to show finger oils, but it was a bit of a weird thing for me. Hope it all works out on your model!
  8. Looking great Chris! Maybe I'm color blind, but I tend to be surprised at how colors look when it comes to brown/olive/greens - sometimes a "brown" looks green (or even gray), and a green will look brown.
  9. I have a couple of the UMM ones, but this one is my favorite as well.
  10. Hey Chris, looking good. I'm eagerly looking forward to following your efforts here. I've seen folks do the chipping as Rob did, and have always been curious on how difficult it was to do that. Seems much easier, at least to achieve realistic looking results, with the chipping method as opposed to trying to manually paint those scratches in.
  11. Looking great! The details achieved with resin in this kit is pretty amazing.
  12. I love this subject Kevin, lots of cool schemes. Looking forward to watching this come along!
  13. Thanks! Yeah, it's very high quality. I also have their 0.5mm airbrush for large models which I've used a couple of times and it works very nicely as well.
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