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About PanzerWomble

  • Birthday 03/24/1968

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  • Location
    Nr Oxford UK
  • Interests
    Modelling , history , motorbikes , 4x4 , guns ....all the boy stuff.

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  1. Nice one Gus , not a 'fishbed' at all but a rather great looking interceptor !
  2. Just dammit, that's such sad news . I really liked Harv , when I came here Gaz and I had a long running chat thread with him , often discussing young ladies (to cheer him up a bit when he was down !) A sweet guy , gone too soon .
  3. No -one want them ? No dramas will bung it all on Eflog .šŸ˜€
  4. The IBG kits models the tyres at 45psi, they should be 32 ...jus saying ...šŸ¤Ŗ I did the IBG R100 Artillery version a few years ago , loved building it, and it still is on my shelf . It is on my profile pic just noticed There is a nice set of videos showing them in use from the 1940s
  5. More missiles and bombs than you need , I've used a couple but otherwise all there . First to PM me a UK address you're welcome to the lot. PW
  6. That is a lovely rendition Hubert . Winner, Winner Camel Dinner!!!! . I love all the details , and the feel of the 'between the wars' Saharan expeditions . One of my favourite films is the English Patient and this has the same vibe to it . I guess I'll have to say 'nice pole too" šŸ˜€
  7. Yes I'm trying them out as Alclad here in the UK is now really expensive and they are quite soft.
  8. I like these Profipacks , bit more to them than the Weekend Editions
  9. Rusted out hulk , there will be a lil dio for this in the near future when I get a clear picture of how I want to do it . Think "barn find" Laterz PW Big Assed Sally
  10. Iā€™m more of a plus size model these days šŸ˜‰
  11. These are not real words, but built from German parts of words. I thinks that's known as Ersatzbabble ? My name is the same .
  12. Great final result from a low quality Italeri kit .
  13. Du Channel ? Pas de La Manche .....zut alors !
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