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daz greenwood

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Everything posted by daz greenwood

  1. Not done too much lately, as packing stuff away ready for when the Council turf me out
  2. Great kits aren't they James? And beautiful build too!
  3. One of these, and it will be the only Brit vehicle in my collection. Plus it will be an Ambulance, as I have the Accurate Armour conversion for it. DSC_2857_11228 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  4. More progress on the turret floor. I've added the jerry can rack, this was basically a cage on which the front folded down to replenish with jerry cans. DSC_0796_9202 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr I've also added hooks to the off side of the hull, which held an unditching beam, this was a field modification which some Tiger's of the s.Pz.Abt.503 had. The beam is still a work in progress. DSC_0797_9203 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr And the turret floor all finished. DSC_0798_9204 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  5. Right bow machine gun now done as is the rear of the driver's armoured visor. The red handwheel closed an opened the visor. DSC_0789_9195 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0790_9196 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr The ammo bags under the machine gun one fed the gun, the other collected the empty cases. More soon as I'm making rapid progress, just forgetting to take the pics
  6. Right this afternoon's progress, and an older shot to show the detail of the underside of the loader's hatch position. Now the underside of the loader's hatch featured countersunk holes with bolts in them, so I've tried to replicate that. I also simulated the metal texture by stippling the paint onto the turret roof underside. Oops just noticed the hair (bleeding Cat) I'll have to sand that out. The hair I mean not the Cat. DSC_0787_9193 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr And the turret floor has been painted and the turret traverse motor and gunner's firing pedal installed. The small pedal is for firing the coax MG. The Black box contained spare parts for the 8.8cm gun. DSC_0784_9190 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0783_9189 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr The turret sidewalls have had some PE details added from a set meant for the Academy Tiger. DSC_0781_9188 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0780_9187 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Thank you for looking.
  7. So a little extra detail on the gunner's binocular sight and I've drilled out both openings at either end. Once the sight has been painted, and the detail painting has been done I'll glaze these with Kristal Klear to give them life as it were. DSC_0773_9180 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0772_9179 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr More later
  8. So this afternoon's fruit of my labours. I worked on the bow MG and started work on the turret. The flag stowage bin is from an Eduard set meant for the Academy Tiger. DSC_0761_9170 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0760_9169 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0759_9168 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0758_9167 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0757_9166 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_0762_9171 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Next is to get the turret and basket painted as well as the MG and add the gurtsacks (ammo bags for the MG)
  9. Well another overdue update. And now the tracks or treads (depending where you are in the world) we move on to the bow machine gun and associated ammo bags, and also driver's vision port and control. DSC_0752_9161 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  10. I don't know yet. But having images of several Tiger's from the 503rd I'm thinking of doing an amalgam of tanks. Picking what I like best from each one and putting them on this Tiger.
  11. Thank you both of you!. And track work begins. Some trivia for you German Panzer tracks were manufactured from a high alloy steel which contained a high percentage of manganese. This alloy was basically a stainless steel. The manganese content imparted a yellowish-brown tint to the tracks. So that's why I'm using these AFV Club tracks, as the colourisation is about right. DSC_8037_6567 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr I'm using the jigs as supplied by Rye Field to help with the tracks. DSC_8038_6568 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  12. First of all sorry for the lack of updates real life has got in the way and been fighting a bad bout of Depression. But been busy at the bench, and working on the Tiger. The hull interior is all done ('bout time). And started on the interior of the upper hull such as the hull turret lock, and snorkel and also the shields for protecting the fuel tanks. I've also started on the motor too. Anyway lots of images to trawl through. Hull turret lock: Hull turret lock 1 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7954_6485 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Fuel tank shields: DSC_8010_6541 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Lower hull interior: DSC_8007_6538 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7991_6522 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7990_6521 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_8008_6539 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Motor: DSC_7984_6515 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7983_6514 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7982_6513 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7981_6512 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7980_6511 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7979_6510 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  13. Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates but its been nothing but Hospital and Clinic visits. But I've managed to get back to the bench, and back to the Tiger. I've painted and installed the upper fuel tanks, and started on the radiators. I also added the lead for the Gyrocompass beside the driver. I've also started working on the gun and breech block. I've also added some PE rails for additional stowage. DSC_7868_6404 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7869_6405 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7870_6406 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7872_6408 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7875_6410 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7882_6417 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  14. A bit more done. And the interior is really coming on. DSC_7708_6258 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7709_6259 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7710_6260 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  15. Sorry for the lack of updates lately but real life has got in the way. But this morning I spent a couple of hours on the Tiger and installed the transmission and base for the turret traverse motor (that's the unpainted piece). DSC_7638_6194 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7637_6193 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  16. And this week's work on the Tiger. I'm making slow, but steady progress. Machine ammo bags installed as are the Driver's and Radio Operator's seat. And started on the transmission. DSC_7620_6176 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7621_6177 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7618_6174 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7619_6175 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7622_6178 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7623_6179 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7624_6180 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  17. Managed to get a little bit done on the Tiger. Interior colours are correct for the time period. DSC_7609_6165 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  18. Very nice is that! The figure adds life to the model
  19. This afternoon's work on the Tiger with the hull and torsion bar stiffeners being installed as well as the torsion bars and swing arms. A lot of this won't be seen when other fixtures and fittings go in. DSC_7587_6146 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7590_6149 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr DSC_7591_6150 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr
  20. Thanks Jeroen. And yes its a great kit a few pipes missing in the engine bay, but that is what the spares box and scratch building is for
  21. Hello everyone this is my first w.i.p. thread on the forum. Now anyone that knows me will tell you that I love the Tiger and its variants. I'm building this with help from David Bryden's Tiger I.info site, what he doesn't know about Tiger's isn't worth knowing. I also have some aftermarket, which although isn't designed for this kit will come in handy. Anyway enough gabbing on to some pictures. The brilliant box art: DSC_7576_6135 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Now I've tried something different here and scanned the instruction booklet of the parts (it's easier for me): img880 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr img881 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr Some of the many references I have on the Tiger and variants and which are relevant for this build: DSC_7586_6145 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr And the aftermarket, which is not designed for this build, but I'll use some of it: DSC_7585_6144 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr I also have countless pictures from the internet that I'm also using for reference.
  22. Excellent work on an overlooked Bomber Command heavy Tom.
  23. I'm gobsmacked! Absolutely excellent work. I love it!
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