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Everything posted by mgbgtv8steve

  1. Well done Ben, a really comprehensive review! I didn't know you knew such big words! Seriously, having 'thumbed through' this book I can only echo Bens review - it reflects hours of painstaking research by Tony O'Toole who is not only a highly skilled modeller but has shown himself to be a bit of a serious historian. Malta has been a bit of a neglected area of interest but this book certainly sets us on the path to understanding just how tough, and I must say diverse camo schemed, area of appeal, not only from a modellers perspective but historical, it can be. This book, together with the follow up edition, will most certainly be taking up a place in my library and I'm a 'Phantom Phreak'! Excellent book. Steve S.
  2. All of the above!!
  3. What absolutely stunning work!! Very well done on a really lifelike model! What else have you got up your sleeve? Gobsmacked Steve S.
  4. Thanks for letting me know - I'll sit back and wait.
  5. Thanks Jeroen that's very kind of you! I have sent him another e-mail so I'll wait to see what happens - if it fails or I don't get a response I may well call on your good offices!! Steve S.
  6. Hi Jeroen - thanks for the prompt response. The e-mail address you've given is the one I've been using with no response so far but I'll try again. You are producing some lovely stuff just lately - a pleasure to see. Steve S.
  7. Hello All - I'm trying to get in touch with Doug Craner to order some of his excellent wooden props but I'm sending the e-mails but getting no response! Would someone be kind enough to confirm his current e-mail address please. Many thanks, Steve S.
  8. Hi Mike - not seen these piccies before so they're really quite useful. My Israeli Skyhawk has had to go on the 'back burner' for the moment 'cos I have my Israeli F.4E(S) to finish and a WNW Sopwith Snipe to get on with, hopefully in time for IPMS Telford in November. Steve S.
  9. You've just done me a favour Kagemusha - I had completely missed that piccy!! My only concern is that it's an A4N rather than an H that I'm actually modelling. Steve S.
  10. and Hello to you to Mike - I get your point and your piccy of the Shrike on the A4 nails it for me! That's what I'll do,build my own pylon and add a load of 4 CBUs on the centreline - now that seems a reasonable load out to me! Coincedentally, the July edition of Model Airplane International has a build/conversion of the Trumpy A4 to an A4H by Steve A. Evans but he's used bombs instead of Shrike and Sidewinder but he has used the Isracast conversion together with Aires and Eduard 'bits' - quite an exercise! Thanks to you all for your input!
  11. Hi All - thanks for all the responses and yes I most certainly do know that I have other kits to finish, but The 'Scooter' has always held a fascination for me, so I felt it was time to give an Israeli version a go - I'll get back to my WNWs' and RF4E(S) before very long!! Sorry for the typo, I did really know I needed to use a TER rather than an MER but the point remains that I still can't find any good piccies of an Israeli A4 loaded with an AGM.45 Shrike! How does it fit to the pylon and which pylon shape does it use? It seems I will just have to employ artistic license and the 'old finger in the wind' tactic. Cheers All. Steve S.
  12. I'd like some input ref a loadout I'm thinking of putting on my Trumpeter/IsraCast A4H. I'm thinking of :- 2 x wing tanks Centreline MER with 6 Mk.82 1 x Aim 9D Sidewinder 1 x AGM 45 Shrike Feedback please. Steve S.
  13. I'd love to have a look at this but ALL the photos have been removed. Can anyone help? Does anyone have any good photos of South African Centurions in their various marks? Now they are good looking variants! Steve S.
  14. Really good news! Just a pity it's the 'Birdcage' 'cos the marking schemes do look rather dull compared to the later models so I'll sit it out until Tamiya bring them out - which they will! Hopefully!! 'Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can!!'
  15. Hi All - I've heard rumours that Trumpeter is going to launch a 1/32nd. scale F.100F Super Sabre - now wouldn't that be nice? They already offer the two seater in both 72nd. and 48th so can anyone confirm/deny this rumour or shall I just file it under Italeri 1/32 F.104G? Steve S.
  16. In my experience I've only had trouble when spraying acrylic over enamel - nearly always crazes!! Steve
  17. I must say my son, that you have achieved a terrific finish on what was not an easy build! Terrific! Dad
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