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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×



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I'm probably very late to this party, but I heard or read, rather, that Squadron Mail Order or as some of us old guys remember Squadron Sop has closed it's doors? It used to be my absolute go to mail order model shop, until the shipping costs went out of this world, but it was always a cool place to get a catalog and pour over it for hours, I have a good copy of their catalog from 1974 ! Is this old news or am I finally near the front o the bus here....?

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Yup, dunzo.  They were horribly run in the end.  Terrible business practices and failed to listen to what their customers were saying.   It should have been a very easy fix and there's no reason they couldn't have given Sprue Brothers a run for their money. 

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It appears that any deviation from tight business practice is resulting in closure during this engineered crisis.

OBC management style , personal vindictiveness in the workplace and poor customer service ?




Some real survivors gonna be showing up this year.

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